Saturday, 18 September 2021

Operation Crimson Mist: Factors that Point to the Possible Inadvertent Deletion of the Entire Western Deep State Cell Network in Rwanda

I am totally convinced that the Rwandan genocide was a deliberately instigated mass mind control event, and that the Rwandans themselves were unwitting participants in an operation the likes of which may only have been seen in possibly two, but definitely in one other place, which is Iraq.

I am sure that Operation Crimson Mist is what it is called.

I once speculated as much, way before I came across the story of this NATO operation, and I still have a meme I made about the event stored on my phone.

But there is something that happened in Rwanda in the aftermath of the genocide that is very odd and possibly exposes a fact about what is holding African countries back, if you look and ruminate hard enough about Rwanda today.

I happened upon this interesting reality after I remembered something I had written before about an unrelated issue.

I remembered writing about the book "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" that:

despite the idea it generates that Africans cannot cope as well as people in countries where the average IQ is 100 because, with an average IQ of 80, we basically wander around like morons and are only able to achieve very little collectively because we don't have the intelligence required for high achievement, yet, my experience of especially Africans living in the west is of a significant percentage coping better than natives themselves in the daily demands of life. This capacity to display a higher than average intelligence in a milleau of a majority that's supposedly better equipped to cope actually proves that it isn't down to IQ alone that African countries as a whole are failing. There are other factors working to make this so. 

What this single fact reveals is that there is more to intelligence than meets the eye, that Africans are able to use an intelligence to cope in the demands of life in the west that's not indicated with standard IQ tests.

The Africans that I knew in the west were average intellects, most of them not highly educated, but most of them managed to live comfortably, with a few living lavishly. Some of them started businesses that became highly successful and are going strong to date. 

This all requires using intelligence to achieve. 

There are parts of Europe and America where it is taken for granted that Africans are bound to have more money than natives. Africans living in America are more successful on average than African Americans, despite the fact the latter group has a higher IQ score. 

It is true to say attitudes matter to success, and that it's the attitudes of continental Africans in America that are responsible for this difference in success between the two ethnicities. But we must not forget that intelligence is required to recognize and take advantage of opportunities. Chances a band of marauding idiots are going to better their lot because they happen to wander through a land of opportunities are non existent. 

What all this testifies to is that success in this system doesn't necessarily require a high IQ. I think that that's already been sufficiently demonstrated by Africans who have shown possession of the intelligence required to excel in this system which isn't being shown with average IQ test result scores. 

I would argue here that what remains to be found out is how to measure this intelligence.

These were some of the thoughts I expressed regarding the infamous book. Here I will explain what this has to do with what I think the aftermath of the Rwanda genocide demonstrated. 

Rwanda is currently excelling socio-economically, and doing better than western countries in more ways than just one, but still scores around a median of 85 on IQ test results. Rwanda is being very African in this regard because it is replicating on a national level coping traits that have been observed of groups of Africans abroad. What this is saying out loud is that the Rwandese have been freed from the fetters holding other African countries from being exemplars of known African coping patterns.

The fact only Rwanda out of all African countries is performing brilliantly, and that this performance is happening after a major social catastrophe that should have stood in the way of progress, is all suggestive of the facf that the genocide itself is the event that released the fetters.

Now, I am not suggesting that African countries need to go through a genocide to see progress. It is not advisable and it could in fact make things worse. 

I have looked at the Rwandan genocide from different angles, and my suspicions, and recent awareness of Operation Crimson Mist, have opened my eyes to what this event that loosened the fetters holding most African countries back from progressing the way they are perfectly capable of is.

This is what I think happened, and here I will first give an example to make the procedure clearer. 

If you have ever had a smartphone that suddenly became sluggish, and after trying everything else, somebody advised you to try factory resetting it in order to get it running normally again, you may have done this without saving your important files, such as documents and images, first, and ended up losing them.

This has in fact happened to me. And this is what I think happened to France regarding its deep state cells in Rwanda.

Every colonial master that left their colony in Africa, and handed political control over to the natives as such giving them so called independence, ensured that they left embedded in the country a deep state that constantly works to ensure colonialism prevails. Nothing any well meaning leader or even leading figures in society do to uplift their own people can work because these hidden cells undermine their efforts. 

The cells don't hesitate to go to the extent of murder to do this, and this may be the only viable explanation for why, on a community level, African countries are the only places on earth where the belief is held that good people die young. The good people in Africa may just be those who are working to better the life circumstances of fellow beings, the intellectuals and other gifted individuals who don't necessarily have to be doing something positive in the moment to fall under the radar of the deep state, but merely display the potential to do so. They are dying at the hands of western funded deep state cells that get rid of a type of individual, or a personality profile they have been trained to recognize as a threat, and therefore a foe. 

And it makes sense for a former colonial master with interests in covertly continuing an exploitative system to have cells in a former colony undermining everything the natives try to do to better their life circumstances because anything that uplifts the natives ends up taking away from the proceeds of the colonialists and eventually endangers the neo-colonial system.

This is how neo-colonialism works.

When France and NATO instigated the mass Crimson Mist experiment in Rwanda, they inadvertently set in motion a carnage that uprooted and destroyed their own deep state cells in the republic. This was made possible by the fact the cells were bound to get in more trouble during the outburst of rage than the average Hutu or Tutsi Rwandese because they are ethnic units that are planted right smack in opposing territories. Tutsi cells would have worked better in Hutu regions because the tribalistic element could be fully utilized, and vice versa.

These deep state operatives would have been in the worst position with regards being visible to a fault when the hate erupted and the killings began.

Given the deep state has to comprise an intricate structure of groomed men and women who have been shifted about strategic locations and gradually infiltrated into crucial or strategic positions in society, it takes time and can be very difficult to set it up again, especially in a country that has turned paranoid and extra vigilant in the aftermath.

Rwanda was thus freed from the fetters that hold other African countries in a developmental check, and the country could see rapid progress. This could in fact be the only explanation of why this unlikely country is the odd one out, the only country on the entire African continent that has displayed a trend seen of Africans in Asian or European climes. 

Monday, 6 September 2021

Holistic Culls: The Clear Signs That Expose The Fact The Western Elite Uses "Engineered" Regime Changes In Third World Countries To Eliminate As Many Of Those They Fear As Possible, Secure In The Knowledge The Murders Will Be Blamed On The Incumbent Or Go Unnoticed

Directed Energy Weapon assaults have once again escalated to intensities I have very rarely known, the new aspect of this being that there appears to have been a preparatory phase to the latest attacks.

The only other times that I was assaulted as hard was when I planned major moves and was about to execute them.

Other than these occasions, the Corona virus outbreak also saw attack intensities that could most definitely have taken me out had I not been prepared for them.

But the current escalation is different. 

As I mentioned already, the current attacks appear to have been prepared for ... first, oddly enough, by ensuring I cannot have outdoor lighting at my home during the night.

I use solar energy as the main power source. About a month ago, my outdoor bulbs started blowing up one after the other. I had about 6 spare bulbs that I used to replace the blown bulbs but they all also blew up right after I had replaced them. 

I stopped replacing the bulbs when I realized what was going on. You see, coupled with the phenomenon of light bulbs blowing up was also a constant on and off dimming of the indoor lights that was often in sync with my movements, and this still continues as I write this. If, for example, I moved too quickly around my home, if I dropped something, if I made a sudden sound or stood up abruptly, the lights would dim down to the minimum, and then they would light up to normal again after a while. Other times the lights just started dimming and lighting back up (flashing), and so on. 

But this random fluctuation in light intensity would worsen as soon as I turned on the outdoor lights, to the point it became unbearable and I just had to turn them off.

I always turned them back on before going to bed and often woke up to find one or both (back and front) were no longer working. 

I will understand when people consider the part about the dimming being in sync with my actions to be mere paranoia on my part, but then consider the fact that unless I am just pulling your leg for the sake of it, this whole light dimming affair isn't normal when you are plugged into a solar battery pack, or any battery pack for that matter. Rechargeable 12 volt DC batteries don't randomly lose and gain power. The process is gradual and graduated in rates depending on the state of the battery and the load.

Light bulbs that are firmly connected to a DC power source only fluctuate in light intensity when other appliances are added to the circuit, and only initially, or when the newly added appliance or device drains power in an irregular manner, for instance, a stereo player that is playing loud music through speakers with a high wattage while connected to a battery power source that's not up to the power requirement of the installation. Then, the fluctuation in light intensity will be in sync with the sounds being emitted through the speakers. The louder they are the more intense the dimming. 

Car lights work using the same kind of batteries I use in my home. No motorist that's parked their car, turned the engine off, and turned the cabin lights on, is going to witness the phenomenon I am seeing in my home, unless they load the battery with some device or appliance, for example if they plug a charger into the cigarette lighter plug or turn the radio, music or video player on. Then the lights will flicker. But for the lights to just start randomly flashing like disco lighting it would take external influence on the electricity flow, and a powerful influence at that. 

Only directed energy weapons have the potential to remotely manipulate lighting this way.

What's happening in my home can only make sense otherwise if someone has tapped into my wiring, or if I am connected to an external power source that's unreliable, and only in relation to the on and off dimming, not the dimming that's in sync with my movements. 

But then I am not connected to a grid provided by a power company that doesn't know what they are doing, and nobody has surreptitiously tapped into my electric circuit. I know this because my home circuit is simple enough. A visual inspection is all I need to see if there is wire tampering. 

And I have recently done a number of entire rewirings of the whole circuit to see how I can prevent the remote, electromagnetic tampering of my electricity. 

At first I figured they were hitting the batteries with directed energies that were causing them to fluctuate in charge. So I shielded them off to the best of my ability, once placing them in a virtual Faraday Cage surrounded by sound absorbent material ... because I felt sound frequencies were also being employed. But this only helped for a short while. 

Then, after noticing that the plastic insulation on the live and negative wires had melted and burnt in some spots, causing the two to fuse in especially places leading up to the bulbs, I tried separating the live and negative wires so that they were laid apart and only met at the point they connected to the device/implement/appliance, or the point they left and entered the battery pack. I figured the emissions were being interfered with along the length of the wire, that their resistance was being raised in some places thus causing the heating up of the wire and melting/burning of the insulation, and the battery to have a higher than normal load, which would cause the dimming effecf. 

This did offer some surcease, but it was also transient. 

Then finally I tried using a different metal for all the wires after I felt that maybe the type of metal was crucial to remote electronic tampering? But this too failed to stop the fluctuations. 

Bottom line is my home is no ordinary home and ordinary science doesn't apply where I live. Weird things just start happening out of the blue at my abodes, and don't stop no matter the science I apply to the process of stopping them. 

These bizarre phenomena have been a feature of my life for decades now, following through every address I have lived, and I am pretty much used to it now.

But I stray. 

I gave up on replacing the outdoor lights as soon as I realized whoever was zapping my home with frequencies causing the lights to flash and outdoor bulbs to blow up wouldn't stop this time around. This wasn't a once in a while attack on a bulb or two that occasionally happened. The intention here was clearly to make the changes that would be forced on me permanent. It was no use fighting.

Hakainde Hichilema, the president elect of Zambia 

And so I have lived without outdoor lights for over a month, and around the time we got a new president elected in Zambia, directed energy weapon assaults escalated to the current Intensities, which got me to thinking. 

The timing of these attacks right around the time of an election in which an incumbent is unseated brought to mind memory of the aftermath of a regime change that happened in this same country around 3 decades ago when three fifths (3/5) of UNIP's politicians active in the government at the time the party was defeated at the polls, who included my own father, died under the most suspicious of circumstances. 

The point at which the crime has been committed and as many people have died has not been reached yet. There would already have been mention of suspicious deaths of opposition members, but I can say from what I am observing that we are close. The cull may have already began or it is about to start. 

My observations derive from what I am seeing transpire in my own life, based on an in depth and lengthy understanding and decades long exposure to how the cabal operates. They have already started with me, and I couldn't possibly be the only one they are afraid of here. Many more are facing the same situation, with many more to be added. 

If the Intensities of the attacks and the parts of my body that they are being focused on keeps on for much longer, they could soon cause my demise by what will seem to be natural causes to the masses, unless I can find a way to effectively defend myself. I am working on the defenses right now but it will in most probability be the toughest battle I have fought since this all began. What is happening to me now can as such be considered the latest in a string of attempts on my life, and the fact it is being timed to coincide with a regime change, and that previous attempts on the lives of UNIP party members, many of which succeeded in the objective of eliminating them, happened in the shadow of a regime change that bears eerily similar hallmarks, points to the fact this is modus operandi for the cabal. This is what they regularly do when the opportunity presents itself. There is a new paranoid leader in charge and any deaths within the opposition will be blamed on him and his henchmen, not on who is actually doing it. 

I would not in the least be surprised if I hear that similar stories abound in other third world countries of culls of leading political figures in the opposition, including activists feared by the west, in the aftermath of a western supported coup, or the election of a leader who leans strongly towards the west. The culls become possible because firstly, positive identification of figures that are considered anti-western and also intellectual has already been made and, secondly and crucially, the apparatus that would identify and disseminate the foul play involved in the manner of their deaths is now fully or sufficiently in the hands of the western powers-that-be via the new leader they are showering with praise.

Frederick Chiluba  

The similarities between this regime change and that which saw Chiluba come to power are striking. Already, people are talking about the current president, Hakainde Hichilema, as being the reincarnation of Chiluba. Non-partisan political commentators who never give any president a break are already blatantly calling him a baby president on account of his numerous gaffes and propensities. This new president, who is being called an opposition president, just like Chiluba was, is otherwise the darling of the west, just like Chiluba was.

When Friederick Chiluba unseated Kenneth kaunda, as the masses got caught up in a cult of the man that distracted them fully from reality, just as they are with the new leader, the cabal moved their men and equipment in, secure in the knowledge that if something were to go wrong, it would all be blamed on the Incumbent or glossed over. Bear in mind that it was revealed that Chiluba's election campaign was fully funded by the west. 

In my assessment, Africans who had been positively identified as threats to the powers-that-be were eliminated using high-tech means, and this isn't just empty talk on my part. Neither am I spinning some web of conspiracy. I was a witness to the method used in one of these murders when I visited my father in 1994, a few years after the defeat of the party that he had worked for for the better part of his adult life, and I am sure that the same method I saw used to murder my father was also applied to the rest of the political figures in UNIP who died. 

I know for a fact that the president elect wasn't involved in these murders, just like the president elect this time around isn't going to be involved in the eliminations that will ensue. In fact I would be flabbergasted if he even knows who the targets are and why they would be on the list of people to cull. I doubt he even knows that there are such things as holistic culls. He may have heard about the deaths of UNIP officials but I doubt he has made sense of the events in this context. 

I know, however, that Chiluba would have welcomed the deaths of so many members of the opposition because he must have known that he had come with empty hands to the table. They would have been instrumental in exposing the fact he was a fraud with nothing novel or original to offer and the chances of the old regime mounting a successful comeback would have increased. But then lucky for him that out of the blues so many of these key members of the party died, significantly reducing the chance the party would rise again. Chiluba could as such sit back and relax, and worry less about his chances of not being re-elected come the next elections.

The fact the cabal prepared me for what was coming is what points to this being a repeat of what happened back then. It points at inside knowledge of inevitable change, which was also an observation made about the elections that brought Chiluba to power. In fact, just as happened with the election process that granted victory to Hakainde Hichilema, UNIP, like the ousted PF, complained of election irregularities and outright rigging. 

So, just as they must have done at the time, the cabal prepared for the day when change would come because they wanted the culls to start happening ASAP, to be expedited as quickly and smoothly as was possible. 

And, as was the case back then, the manner people will be killed will be high-tech, and it will all be done behind the smokescreen of an ongoing crisis. In the early nineties this smokescreen was the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Today it's definitely the Covid-19 pandemic. 

I only realized I actually witnessed the hi-tech lynching and subsequent murder of my father in hindsight, after extensive research of what the west has out there in terms of technologies of covert elimination, such as directed energy weapons on satellites that are now also carried by their military drones, and the methods used in these eliminations. And I do believe that the eliminations or attacks they have carried out are extensive and global. 

This is the reason I view the US embassy attacks with directed energies that happened in several places, starting off with Havana, Cuba (from where the name "Havana Syndrome" was derived), then going to Moscow, Russia ... Beijing, China, and a few other places, to simply signify the beginning of a tit for tat in wars involving these technologies. 

What we are witnessing is revenge for all those attacks and eliminations America (read NATO) commited while the world was asleep to this reality. It's a sign that the world has woken up and is angry. The realization has dawned that NATO has been busy, and one of the places where it left tell tale signs of this activity is the third world, and the attacks and eliminations may go back further in time than most people would suspect. They may in fact be more extensive than most people would imagine. 

Back in 1994, when I returned to Zambia from the west for a month, I found that my father had not had it easy since his party got ousted from power. In fact, I found him seriously ill and emaciated from a condition that had not yet been accurately diagnosed. He had been on the side of an overweight man his entire adult life but the condition had left him skinny. 

I was told his calves and feet are what started swelling first, which pointed to a liver or kidney issue. Local remedies to this condition included allowing blood to flow from his feet by making tiny incisions in his flesh. 

But there were serious anomalies about his condition. 

Firstly, this seriously sick man had the appetite of a man who wasn't sick at all. In fact, his appetite is all that reminded me of him. At that time, I was considered a giant by global standards due to the body growth I attained doing body building, and I had a gigantic appetite as a result, but I could hardly compete with dad in this department. 
Secondly, despite the fact his feet were constantly getting cut up, his gait remained remarkably normal and young for a man in his mid sixties. My dad had a natural spring to his gait that I have also inherited, and if there is one thing I know about a natural spring to a step, then it is that it is both physical and mental. Any mental depression or physical condition, however slight, has a definite impact on the trait. Yet in front of me, besides me was this man who had been reduced to a.near skeleton because he had a severe condition, that could still walk like he was floating on air, like he was in his twenties. This pointed to the presence in him of boundless energy, if not health. Yet visibly he was a very sick man.

This just didn't add up. 

I found these facts very odd concerning what was clearly a terminally ill man, and in hindsight, after I had reviewed the inception and course of his illness till the cause of death, it dawned on me that he had been subjected to systematic physical incapacitation that could only have been done by professionals, by people who knew exactly what they were doing and could see much more than people utilizing just their bare eyes to achieve a perfect kill. My father was killed by people using technology capable of seeing through walls, capable of seeing into his body to isolate organs. My father was eliminated by people who systematically whittled his health down till there was nothing left of the man. 

You see, the appetite is what sustained my father in life after the initial attacks to other organs in his body that caused the other observed symptoms. This is what kept him from getting bedridden sooner. 

Tellingly enough, he got gastric ulcers in the end, and that spelt a definite end to his gargantuan appetite. He withered away and died shortly afterwards because he couldn't get enough sustenance into his system. . 

The thing to understand here is in times of peace, countries that possess directed energy weapons that can kill covertly do not just zap people they want eliminated anyhow. There is no such thing as silent bullets that leave no sign of their use. If they don't want to be blamed for an elimination then they have to use their lasers with expertise to leave signs of their use. 

In order to make a perfect covert kill, they have to make it look like the victim died of natural causes. In order to do this they have to perform a systematic attack on the body of the victim that eventually causes them to fall ill and die. 

They cannot just burn through the heart to cause a heart attack, for example, because they would leave evidence of foul play that can be discerned from the mark that such burning would leave behind. They have to slowly and gradually cause the heart to develop a defect, and leave no traces of what caused the heart problem to arise in the first place. This takes time. 

In order to make my father come to the point of death by natural causes at a point in time when he had robust health using directed energy weapons, it would have been logical to first attack his brains to prevent him from realizing what was happening to him, or relating it in a manner that would be considered sane. Attacking his brains to cause it to be less discerning could have been done directly or indirectly. Then they would have worked on his mobility because they needed him in one spot to accomplish the rest, and impoverishing him was one way they could limit his range of movement. They would have had to cause his system to get clogged up with poisons, for instance. Getting his liver to not do its work, which manifested in swollen calves and feet, would have stopped or lowered the natural body cleansing process and also caused his mind to get denser. 

Then the next step would have been to attack him anywhere else where his strength was getting reproduced, which would have eventually come down to his alimentary canal ... because this is what would prevent him from succumbing to the overall attacks quickly enough. This organ functioning normally would also tend to make it obvious that he wasn't dying a natural death. 

Once it wasn't possible for him to use his alimentary canal for sustenance, he wouldn't be able to recuperate, meaning it would be game over. 

I have talked to a few people who lost a family member who was a high ranking official in UNIP during this era, and the stories they told of the course of the illness of their loved one, till they succumbed and passed away, show an eerie similarity to that of my father. They all bear hallmarks of a bizarre, abnormal and unnatural course of a disease. 

I don't believe in coincidence. To me, these men and women didn't die from natural causes, but were murdered using remote means, and it looks too much like the country is being prepared or already in the throes of another such mass holistic cull by the western cabal.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Organised Religion May Have Taken Exceptionally Deep Root in Sub-Saharan Africa Because of a Genetic Propensity for Prayer

The Abeokuta Diocese of The African Church, Ogun Province, Ogun Stat, Nigeria .

I have always maintained that organised religion has taken exceptionally deep root in Sub-saharan Africa compared to any other continent (or among non-black people), because Africans developed a genetic affinity for prayer by the constant application of it in the daily lives of specifically ancient African ancestors.

Let me explain what I mean here.

There was a time in the evolution of the black "race" when prayer took on such an importance that it became a central feature of life in the community. The practice of praying was carried out so frequently and persistently, over a period that was prolonged enough for the need for prayer to indirectly affect the genes. This means that the beings themselves started seeing prayer as an essential part of life so that they felt naked without it. They developed a need for being deeply religious with a root in their very physical beings that they could as such pass on to successive generations.

What I have outlined above may seem to go against the priciples of Behaviour genetics, also called psychogenetics, the study of the influence of an organism's genetic composition on its behaviour that asserts that there is in fact an interaction of heredity and environment that affects behaviour without this implying behaviour itself is inherited. The behaviour is a by product of the combination of genetic inheritance and environment, which is exactly what I am also saying.

Here is my simple rationale behind something that's not natural becoming a genetic propensity the way being deeply religious is an easy state to trigger in a Sub-saharan African.

If you placed children in the wild some place that's isolated from normal human society, without introducing them to the culture of clothing or dressing up, i.e. you allowed them to run around butt naked, and allowed them to breed and create their own communities and ensure they remain isolated from yours, there is no doubt that the progeny will run around butt naked like their progenitors because dressing up isn't genetic. But then because they come from a history of people who dressed up for millennia, the need to cover their bodies will be dormant in them. I am not implying that they will have genes that want them to dress up, but given clothes do have a real effect on the body that can cause real biological changes in the long term that are adaptational in nature, such as the loss of body hair over time, including changes that are subdermal, the need to dress up can be evoked by these biological factors with a genetic base provided that there is a trigger. In the case of the children who grow up without clothes, it would just take exposure to a culture that dresses up for the group that stopped dressing up to take the practice up again, with a zeal that's only determined by how long and to what extent their ancestors took the dressing culture. If their ancestors only hid their private parts like some hunter gatherers do then they will not be as enthusiastic for clothes because the biological adaptations to clothing will not be far-reaching. But if their ancestors dressed to kill, then the whole experience of taking to the culture of dressing will be much more intense because there will be a biological catalyst for it.

According to a professor of psychology and academic program director at the National University in the USA, Brenda Shook, using singing as an example, someone could be an excellent singer, but is that talent genetic or was it learned? “It’s both,” she says. Maybe this person doesn’t necessarily have a good singing voice, but her brain is wired to be able to learn and remember. So her genetics might have made voice lessons more effective.

We do know that ethicities do come with special talents so it can be said here that what she is really describing are propensities that exist due to historical genetic exposure. It wouldn't otherwise make sense that a group of people display a preponderance of a specific talent if it isn't dependent on genetic factors that are inherited from groups of people in whom the stored genetic changes were a byproduct of exposure to a specific reality.

The fact ancestors of modern day Africans were extremely prayerful cannot be disputed. It is documented and some of the prayers have in fact been preserved in writing from as long ago as 5000 years. The Ancient Egyptians are a good example of an advanced African group who were very prayerful, and some of their prayers survive and are in use to this day.

I will share below one such prayer but, before doing so I would advise you to first understand the general meaning of the word "prayer". It shouldn't only apply to organised religion. In fact even atheists pray and use the word, sometimes as often as the devout. I know this because I am what you can consider an atheist but I use the term regularly and also accept that others use it. Christians pray and have a right to their prayers and so too do Muslims. The fact I am not either one of these doesn't make the activity less of a prayer compared to mine.

Prayer is merely a private or communal communication with what's perceived as a higher, usually supernatural being ... be this a spirit, a demon believed to have powers, a river God, in fact any supernatural entity one ascribes supernatural powers to, including an idol or one that's considered to dwell within the body, that one believes can hear and react to their prayer.

This is a Prayer to Osiris found in the Book of the Dead, originally known by the kemetians (Ancient Egyptians) as The Book of Coming Forth by Day.


"Wash away my sins, Lord of Truth; destroy my transgressions, wickedness and iniquity, O God of Truth. May this god be at peace with me. Destroy the things that are obstacles between us. Give me peace, and remove all dissatisfaction from thy heart in respect of me."


If the prayer sounds familiar then it is because the template upon which it is based is the same that the catholic church uses in its prayers. In fact this very prayer is also used by Catholics. This prayer is thousands of years old. It was used at a time when the kemetians recited the 42 Laws of Maat 5 times a day. That's a whole lot of praying and recitation of sacred texts for that period of history, don't you agree? And they had already been doing this for thousands of years? Bear in mind that this civilization lasted for millennia and the same culture was maintained almost continuously. Is it a surprise that the legitimate descendants of these people who still continue some cultural practices from old would be prone to become highly devout once reintroduced to prayer?

It isn't to me ...

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Noah's Ark: Another Implausible Biblical Narrative by Writers Who Didn't Yet Know Where the Sun Went at Night

It should by now go without saying that the Biblical narrative of Noah's Ark may in fact be the clearest pointer to the mendacious mentality of the people who wrote the Bible, aside from the known fact that all of the writers didn't actually know where the sun went at night.

The story just fails to add up when put under scrutiny.

Of the many ways that the story has been tested for authenticity, the one in which it clearly fails to make the test applies specifically to the number of animals that can fit into a vessel the size of the Ark in question. You see, it just isn't possible to load as many animals as there are species of them, multiplied by two, into an ark the size Noah built, and still leave room for the rest that the animals require to survive on, such as food. Simply stated, the ark was too small to accommodate 2 of all the animal species that existed on earth at the time, period.

According to National Geographic's atlas, and Wikipedia, researchers have been able to document around 1.2 - 1.5 million animal species in existence. However, the total number of species that are in existence is estimated to be somewhere from 7 to 8.7 million.

Given the Bible insists on a creation myth in which creatures great and small have a single creation period, if we take the a-priori assumption that God hasn't surreptitiously been engaging in the creation of new species now and then, we can assume that the documented number of species today is the same as it was in Noah's time, minus extinctions. In fact, knowing that species do go extinct, we can confidently say there were more species of animal at the time Noah lived than there are now.

To see whether all these animals fit into the ark that Noah built, we have to know it's exact dimensions. The Bible actually provides the measurements of the ark and, fortunately, thanks to decades of archaeological digs, scholars have been able to determine the approximate size of most of the measurements given in the Bible, such as cubits, according to contemporary standards.

For example, in Genesis 6:14-15, God tells Noah to build the ark 300 cubits long, 30 cubits high and 50 cubits wide. By comparing various ancient artifacts, a cubit has been found to be equal to about 18 inches, according to National Geographic's atlas, so let's do the math:

- 300 X 18 = 5,400 inches, which amounts to 450 feet or a little more than 137 meters in length
- 30 X 18 = 540 inches, or 37.5 feet or just under 11.5 meters in height
- 50 X 18 = 900 inches, or 75 feet or slightly less than 23 meters

So, by converting biblical measurements, we end up with an ark that's 540 feet long (137 meters), 37.5 feet high (11.5 meters) and 75 feet wide (23 meters).

Noah placed within his ark 2 of each species on earth, apparently with the help of God given the task is beyond what a human can do if we consider the modes of transportation those days and the regions of the earth accessible to a man with Noah's means ... and if we multiply the estimate of the total number of species above by 2, we find that he would have had to load his ark with a minimum of 16 million creatures to save them all.

If we overlook the impossible procedure of collecting so many animals in one place from every region on this globe, or attracting them to hike up to the so called "middle east", which entails going to the four corners of the globe to spread the message, but focus instead on the space available in the ark, we quickly find that 16 million animals couldn't possibly have fit into a space that's a mere 123 by 23 by 11.5 meters with room left over for food and other necessities, even if it had different floors to it. That's too much flesh and bone to fit into this space even if it was just insects that got saved.

Let's take out our calculators to show why this is so.

At an average of a centimeter each (a rough estimate of the total length of the average insect), 16 million insects would stretch for a good 160 kilometers. It takes some elementary mathematics to see that the volume of so many insects wouldn't fit into an ark the dimensions of Noah's.

One way of doing this elementary math would be to calculate the total volume of the insects and see if this fits into the volume of the ark.

Volume is easiest to calculate by multiplying length, width and height, and if the average sized insect was roughly 1 cm long, 0.5 cm wide and high (which is much smaller than the average size of a fully grown cockroach), the total would have a volume of 40000 meters squared, which is just above the volume of the ark itself at 32533.5 meters squared.

These calculations are done using only estimated insect average sizes. Remember here that we are excluding larger animals that would push the average volume of flesh and bone much higher.

This conclusion doesn't change if the number of creatures saved is reduced to the documented species only, which would mean Noah would have had to load 2.4 million animals into the ark as opposed to 16 million. The mathematics of it says it also doesn't work. They wouldn't fit in there and leave space for their food as well.

Also, given the food chain that exists today is the same that existed at the time, Noah would have had to take care that some pairs he brought on board were not consumed into extinction on the ark, which would have meant keeping them in isolation from predators while using some of their kind to prevent the animals that feed on them from going extinct themselves from starvation.

It would take a year before they got back on land to forage for themselves, remember? At which point all animal life would be long gone.

Which is well and fine for plant eaters aka herbivores, because plants survive a deluge. But this requires that animals that eat other animals to stay alive (aka carnivores) have a starter pack of feed that sustains them until their food source is replenished enough to survive their predatory instincts. It wouldn't make sense to save animals just to have them go extinct at the paws and canines of starving predators.

It's not a lot of stored food that's needed given there are only 2 boa constrictors, 2 mambas, 2 lions, 2 hyenas, 2 alligators, 2 crocodiles, 2 leopards, 2 cheetahs, 2 wolves, 2 dogs of each dog species, 2 mountain cats, 2 tigers, and so on and so forth. But that stored food is crucial to their survival given all the meat out there is rotten or locked up in pairs of two by two.

I suppose God provides them with a kind of manna from heaven as they waited for the first rat colonies to populate the earth.

Good thing fish didn't need to be saved because there are species of whale that grow larger than the ark. But even with land animals alone did you know there are easily around 5 species of elephant, and tens, if not hundreds of snake species?

Clearly, the people who wrote this particular biblical story with the intention of selling it for the history of the world had never been to the real wild, such as the Amazon forest in South America, or the Ituri forest in Africa, to document the species that live on earth, otherwise they would have written a different story, maybe changed the dimensions of the ship from a mere 100 meters to a kilometer, two, or even ten. In terms of animals, the writers were probably only acquainted with camels, dogs and cats, small snakes, chickens and ducks, goats and sheep, maybe gazelles and elephants, and the rest of the creapy crawlies that infested their middle eastern desert abodes, not the actual world and its actual real-life animal life beyond those confines.

We can be sure from their successes to date that their target audience was non the wiser, and remains the same today, but a new, more informed world has emerged to judge the truth in their texts, and place the Bible "for good" in the fiction category where it truly belongs.

All else considered, only the ignorant and gullible can believe stories in the Bible to be factual, and I guess this is what its deceitful, albeit shallow minded writers banked on.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

What not Being Colonized by the West did for the Chinese

Henry Kissinger

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has said that he thinks the US needs a new understanding with China to ensure world stability. According to him, the United States will have to reach an understanding with China on a new global order or the world will risk conflicts.

"If we don't get to that point and if we don't get to an understanding with China on that point, then we will be in a pre-World War One-type situation in Europe, in which there are perennial conflicts that get solved on an immediate basis but one of them gets out of control at some point," he said at a recent event via Zoom hosted by the London-based think tank Chatham House.

"It is infinitely more dangerous now than it was then," Kissinger said.

"A conflict between countries possessing high technology with weapons that can target themselves and that can start the conflict by themselves without some agreement of some kind of restraint cannot end well," the former U.S. diplomat said. "And that's an understatement," he added.

The questions that come to mind here include why advancement is causing conflict to come into the equation today, whereas open military aggression was the reason the world was unstable at the time Kissinger has in mind? The Chinese are doing nothing but advancing. Why should mere rapid advancement lead to an insecure world? Advancement is good for the species after all. Why is it such a threat to the west? Is it because it is happening outside the western sphere of influence? Is the west set up to fight human progress? Why is the west incapable of outcompeting the Chinese with its own brand of advancement?

Chart showing the global export market share of the top five exporters since 1962. Source: UN ComTrade and IMF staff calculations. 

The issue of why the Chinese have become such a big threat to the west is tied to the issue of why they have outperformed everybody on planet earth in overal creativity and productivity, and by a large margin at that.

While this fact itself has rattled many a head, precisely because any conceivable genetic advantage they would inherently have with the capacity to confer them an advantage over other "races" would hardly make for this huge difference in creative and intellectual output, few in the west have been willing to actually point out the simple cause, and for good reason too.

There is an estimable pace at which genetic factors can enable any group to advance faster than other groups in specific endeavors or activities, but the reality of the current Chinese rapid advancement situation is they have surpassed any estimate that can be made, to the point where their creativity and productivity can be considered of a different species from that of ordinary man.

But they are as human as we all are.

The explanation of why the Chinese are as creative and productive as they are in the fields of human endeavor they currently dominate is actually one that many people wouldn't easily entertain, and only because we are prevented from seeing this simple truth for what it is by the loudest voice in the room.

The Chinese are only able to be as creative and productive as they have become because they are the only country that never got completely colonized by the west. This means that they didn't get treated to the western brand of colonization that routinely obliterates if not minimizes the creative potential of any group they conquer for the sole purpose of making them controllable. The west applied this method to themselves, then later to almost everybody else except the Chinese and a few other nationalities that they couldn't completely subdue, and it is precisely these countries or people who are doing better than the west and the rest today.

This cannot be coincidence.

On top of that, the Chinese have forged a society that is the least oppressive and repressive on earth.

Now, this last statement will no doubt sound untrue to many, but only because most people only view China through the lenses of western mainstream media propaganda, and according to them, the Chinese are stealing intellectual property from the west and putting it to better uses than the west, they are taking resources from poor countries, forcing loans on them that they cannot repay, brutally oppressing religious minorities, taking over neighboring nations' waters, etc.

On top of this they eat rats, bats, snakes, lizards, and God knows what else.

Furthermore, according to this propaganda, in order to make their country as prosperous as it has become, the totalitarian government has its own people living in virtual slavery and is milking them for all they are worth, in much the same way America milked enslaved Africans during the Era of slavery in that country.

It is possible to see how this can work, but only in terms of productivity, but even with this item it only applies to an extent, but how China is doing this to excel in creativity as well isn't being explained.

It's not coincidence that no western reports about Chinese success focus on a fact known about human creativity that appears to suggest that the Chinese are probably not as oppressive as they are made out to be, and this is the fact that creativity, even productivity, is at its zenith when intellectuals are not coerced about, forced to conform or repressed in any way.

The thing to understand about the propaganda on the Chinese is it has the singular ulterior motive of doing to China what wasn't done to it when the west was out grabbing territory and exterminating people Globally. When the west does to China what it did to the third world, then its global hegemony will be secure.

The fact of the totalitarian situation is the Chinese are constantly under attack and forced into a position where they often have to make choices that do not speak very well about their attitude to freedoms. If you understand their fears in this war against them, then it will become clear why they use the strong arm approach on matters they deem to be in their best national (racial) interests.

They want to survive this, just as any sensible group would.

But in the end, all of these repressive and oppressive behaviors being reported about the Chinese are irrelevant to the assessment of how oppressive and repressive a government really is compared to others. Creativity in any human group gets stunted when there is repression and oppression. This is the true litmus test of how oppressive a system is. This is because the people who are the most creative are affected the most by repressive and oppressive measures. It is no accident in history that leaders among freedom fighters comprised highly educated or achieved individuals.

Intellectuals will usually be the first to become aware of the oppressive and repressive status they live under, because of their advanced critical thinking capabilities. You cannot pass subtle oppression by a critical minded man or woman. Plus it is very impossible to express high creativity and productivity when under an oppressive/repressive regime, unless one has only evolved or developed their intellectual faculties without the capacity to apply this intelligence to everyday matters, in which case we are talking about what are called nerds in thick glasses with a disparity between their emotional and intellectual development. These types wouldn't know whether they live in a dictatorship or not.

In order to gain a clear understanding of the effect that oppression and repression has on the intelligentsia of a society and its evolution, we would need to look at the development of the west from medieval times when oppression wasn't so subtle, to the present when it is subtle, when the very west can stand bold faced and declare to the world that only it has authority on issues bordering on ethics. Only the west has the final say on who is doing wrong or right.

The truth about the matter is the western world would have been far more creative than it currently is had it not actively started oppressing and repressing its own people, and insisting on conformism for all, as far back as the Greco-Roman Era, and probably long before this era.

As soon as you start systematically oppressing and repressing people, the first opposition will be from their intellectuals. This also means that they will be among the first casualties, and if the oppression persists, then they become the perpetual enemy of the rulers. It has actually been said by many European thinkers that the west is a culture at war with its own intellectuals, and this isn't empty talk either.

The purges in medieval Europe, the burnings at the stake, the witch drownings, the hangings/guillotining of heretics, these all involved the culling of the best of the west. The western elite actually shot their own societies in the foot, so to speak, in the medieval ages already, and only the inertia from connections, agreements, understandings, and wealth made from the brutal conquest and subjugation of the entire planet keeps the western world ahead of the rest, otherwise the block would not have what it takes to stay afloat and on top.

The western system of oppression developed from these medieval mentalities to the refined and polished status it is today but nothing much has changed underneath. They conquered and subjugated the rest of the world using this mentality, and are responsible for the fact third world countries are packed with chaff for brains. This is to say there are very few intellectuals in all former colonies of western countries precisely because the west almost cleared them of their best in operations known as holistic purges.

This culling was done for the simple reason smart individuals were seen as rebellion or revolt risks, just like intelligent slaves were killed off because they were seen as escape and slave uprising risks.

Same system at work in every region and era.

Graph showing the growth of the total expressway length in China since 1995 in a 1000th of a kilometer. 

Gradually, over time, local and foreign groups that endure this method of subjugation start losing a gene ... This is how you get a west that has failed to compete with China despite the fact they were the ones who initiated and powered this civilization. The Chinese, who are pretty much Johnny come latelies, have done more in three decades than the west did in a century. Did you know that they have poured more concrete than the whole west did since the industrial revolution?

This level of productivity and creativity is impossible if you are repressing your labor force and demanding conformism from them. Conformism entails that everybody think and behave the same way, and an environment like this isn't conducive to intellectual development and expression.

You need a lot of highly creative and productive people to be able to make possible what the Chinese have achieved thus far, and Conformism, oppression and repression are your worst enemies under the circumstances.

Chairman Mao

What we should not overlook is the fact the Chinese also have Mao's cultural revolution to thank for the plethora of creative minds that they have. The man left nothing to chance. He deliberately set in motion a pairing system where intelligent people bred with each other. This is what the rest of the world, from Europe to Africa to South America, shall desperately need to do if we want to offset what the western elite did to us, in order to have that share of people who can make us as creative and productive as the Chinese are today.

But the oppressive nature of the west continues full speed into the present where it has inevitably come to a point where they have in place a massive and rapidly expanding global targeting program designed specifically to help them detect and preemptively get rid of perceived threats to their order, who are mostly non conformists, and especially intellectuals, because these are enemies in the dominant culture.

This makes following Mao's example a tall order to fill for most countries, unless we can get rid of the western elite, or at least expose the methods they use to control the masses in a way that makes them useless for the purpose.

Organized religion, for instance, is very important for the western elite, especially monotheistic religion, because they are set on building societies of conformists, and single diety religions are very helpful in this quest.

And here you would wonder whether the leadership of the west doesn't realize what they are doing. Could they be so dumb that they cannot see that they are setting their "tribe" up for the fall?

The western elite do realize that their system works against "real progress", but then the whole system is set up to operate this way. The western thinktank, who are the masons, have the task of coming up with ways of raising creativity or productivity but because this is done within the context of a culture that oppresses and represses, it only works when there is no real competition.

For example, the conditions of slavery are not very conducive to productivity compared to hard work by free people who reap the full benefits of their labor. Applying methods that raise productivity on the plantation such as a different kind of carrot and stick approach will increase yields but then might cause the enslaved to expire faster, which increases the costs of production. Obviously, a system of slavery is only profitable if it doesn't have competition, and this is precisely why slavery came to a sudden end in the west.

There developed a glitch in the matrix that wouldn't have happened if everybody in the world had been made to follow suit.

Making everybody follow suit has been the MO of the west for millenia, and is part and parcel of how the system gains an advantage in competition with others.

As I mentioned before, massive amounts are being invested into ensuring the infrastructure that maintains this system of oppression and repression is not just maintained, but improved and expanded upon. There is a massive resource commitment to the status quo as things stand. As such, no one within the ranks of the ruling elite would contemplate changing this system. They wouldn't even know where to begin, if they have the authority in the first place.

Hence, it should be taken for granted that the west cannot change. The western system of the perpetual degeneration of things is a permanent mode of social provisioning for the west that can work, but only if the entire world is also under western elite control and is being made to follow suit. This is why China represents a glitch to this system. This is why the west is hell bent on destroying China or, if this fails, which it looks set to, then the west has no other recourse than to do as the zionist Henry Kissinger suggests.

Kissinger thinks the US (the west) needs a new understanding with China on a new global order or the world will risk conflicts. Given China isn't flexing its military muscle at the moment, the west only wants to make pacts and agreements with the Chinese on the way forward in global trade. The Chinese are being asked to be less enterprising for the sake of the slower west.

I know that the Chinese understand the western system very well and this suggestion they will not accept. It would in fact be suicidal for them to do as Kissinger implores. Their only option right now and for the foreseeable future is improving their military might as they continue doing humankind proud. In their success is proof that western influence is the worst thing that can happen to anybody on earth.

Saturday, 27 March 2021

What the Rise of Magufuli and Like Minded Leaders on the African Continent Says About the State of the African Intelligentsia and Why the West is Worried About This Development 

John Pombe Magufuli is laid to rest

The death of John Pombe Magufuli came as a big surprise to many people and, almost immediately it was announced, speculation started online that he had been assassinated. The culprit? Most people pointed to the western world and its desire to see the third world vaccinated. They felt that he stood in the way of that objective.

Some people implicated the Chinese but it is clear to see that these are disinformation campaigns that are most probably driven by a west afraid the assassination represents a shot in their own foot.

Africans are not going to get any easier to control in the aftermath.

The fact the Chinese aren't involved in his death is as clear as day. For starters, they are currently involved in a trade war with the west and any chance they would be putting the issues aside to cooperate on killing African heads of state is very slim. The current Covert World War era, as I prefer to call it, that the world is in, is a reaction of the west to their industriousness. Basically, the west torpedoed the entire global economy to stop their rise, and African heads of state standing in the way of western interests for the African continent are helping the Chinese rather than the reverse.

The Chinese are under attack by the west as we speak, so cooperation with the enemy cannot be on the table until all else is resolved.

If you ask me, their modus operandi isn't to kill foreign leaders to get their way. The Chinese are everywhere, and they have been everywhere for almost as long as the west has been traversing the globe but, to date, they have not made a track record of assassinations of foreign heads of state, but the west has. They have not been caught poisoning a community or entire country to get their way, but the west has. They have not been caught creating plagues or culling populations some other way to get their way, but the west has. They have not built their current empire on indentured slave labor, but the west has. They have not wiped out entire indegenous populations and taken over their land, but the west has. They have not pushed debilitating drugs on a community or country to get their way, but the west has and the most notable example of this were the Opium Wars that saw the west attempt to dampen the resolve of the Chinese to resist western territorial encroachment by turning them into stupid addicts of opium.

The Chinese way is different from the western way.

When the Chinese are hindered in their pursuits, they seek and find alternatives, which the west doesn't. Alternatives are luxuries the west cannot afford, while they are not for the Chinese, and right now trade between China and Tanzania is most probably booming despite the moves Magufuli made to limit their commerce in his country, because the Chinese found other ways to get into the country.

The death of the Tanzanian president was announced in a statement by Tanzanian Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan, who cited heart complications as the cause. There had been earlier unconfirmed reports from opposition leaders, which Mr. Magufuli’s government denied, that he had been hospitalized in Nairobi for covid-19. He was last seen in public on Feb. 27.

It is questionable that a president with access to medical care beyond what the average civilian can ever dream of having access to would die from heart complications, let alone Covid19. We have witnessed at least a dozen heads of state get the Corona virus since the pandemic began, and all of them recovered soon thereafter mainly because of the quality of care they had access to. Tanzania boasted a verified cure for the virus that didn't differ much from the variant of the concoction that saved the life of President Trump. Prolonging Magufuli's life wouldn't have been very difficult considering the fact he was known to be a healthy individual and would by the time he supposedly got infected have already been exposed to the virus and beat it with ease. We can be sure of this if we trust the Fauci science that masks prevent people from getting infected or spreading the disease, because Magufuli wasn't wearing masks and was always mingling with the crowds.

Magufuli in church

Also, if it was indeed Covid19 that felled him, how come nobody else in his inner circle wasn't equally affected. Why did he have to be the only one who got it as seriously as he did?

It is with this in mind that I can state that the suspicions that he was assassinated are justified, and in fact accurate. I just don't see this happening the way most people think it did. I think the man was taken out using high tech means and I base my belief on what the Prime Minister cited as the cause of death, not Covid19. This wasn't the first time that he had this condition, and the west is known to be particularly fond of affecting the functioning of this organ in activists using remote means ... but then that's better kept as a topic for another day.

Right now I want to focus on the obvious reason Magufuli was eliminated, especially on the events happening in the political life of most African countries that led to this culmination, and will continue doing so unless the west is successful in its quest to drastically depopulate Africa, which happens to be the motivation behind the vaccination campaign.

The rebirth of our intelligentsia is inevitable and the west knows this. This is the reason they want our numbers controlled because they are failing to get rid of our best at rates that would prevent the African intelligentsia from retaking control of the continent. This is partly the reason the Vaccines are being pushed on us so hard.

The less of us there are, the easier we are to control.

A Katyn Forest Massacre mass grave.

Every conquest knows a period when the conqueror gets rid of the best of a people. The most known example is the Russian Katyn Massacre when 20 thousand polish generals, intellectuals, etc., were eliminated. Why would the Russians do this, you would ask? Because with that simple move they cut off the head of the poles. Yes, the best of a people constitute their head.

The USA has also done the same thing during its global conquest rampages. For instance, they took away Germany's top scientists after the war in what is known as Operation Paperclip.

One of the people taken from Germany was Dr. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun. He was one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Germany and later the United States. The V-2 ballistic missile was his brainchild. Originally a German scientist who led Germany's rocket development program before and during World War II, he was forced into the United States of America together with hordes of other top ranking and highly talented Nazi scientists, including Joseph Mengele, at the end of the war through the then-secret Operation Paperclip. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen and worked on the American ICBM program before joining NASA, where he served as Director. This man, who was taken by force from a defeated and conquered nation, is generally regarded as the father of the United States space program.

Once the initial decapitation has been carried out using any of the means mentioned before, the coast is clear for full fledged subjugation of a people. But there is a problem that soon arises with the passage of time. The best get recreated through births or maturity of those who were not identified as the best during the initial purge.

This means that the head grows back, and as long as the need to subjugate the conquered group persists, the regrowth has to be cut again.

But in times of peace, gathering people together and leading them into the wilderness to be slaughtered and dumped into mass graves is out of the question. This would not just cause outrage but awaken those who have fallen into a slumber about their conquered status in the society and the potential fate that awaits them.

Collecting the best together and shipping them to some western country would also be frowned upon, but encouraging an intellectual drain would work, but then only to an extent that wouldn't be sufficient to stem the tide. Covert means of eliminating the best as they manifest have to be found to completely prevent the regrowth of the head of the conquered community, a way of either recruiting them against the interests of their own people or eliminating them if this isn't possible or sensible without alerting the target community to what is going on is the best way that this is done.

It is not for nothing that George Orwell mentions the use of targeted eliminations done on the proles in order to control them in his book 1984, and the best example of how the process by which the covert elimination of a group's best is achieved we get from how African Americans have been losing some of their most prominent men and women the past century.

The first example I thought to give of important hallmarks to look out for that are unmistakable signifiers of this elimination process is that of Tupac, and while his case is recent and may be discounted on the fact a rapper is hardly seen to stand for the best of a group, it's important to know that the best don't always manifest as tall, handsome, well to do, erudite professors emeritus or high ranking officials, and the criteria the conqueror uses to identify them isn't strait forward. It is usually adjusted to the prevailing social circunstances and can sometimes be preemptive, rather than merely reacting to perceived problematic individuals after they have already established themselves and are well known by the public. This means that a time comes when the best are eliminated before they even know that they are human beings.

Now, once, while Tupac was being interviewed on the set of the movie Bullet, co-starring Mickey Rourke and a young Adrian Brody, in which he played the character Slick Rick, Tupac wondered out loud as all hell broke loose right behind the crew interviewing him, why the interviewer insisted on asking what to him was a trivial question compared to the fact there was a serious fight happening right behind them.

The thing to understand about the mindset of the crew that had set out to record that interview with him is the fact nothing else was more important than getting a piece of Tupac to them. He was more important than a fight that could spill over and affect them too. He was more important than injuries they may potentially get if they didn't react soon enough. They were, after all, dealing with an uncommon phenomenon in him.

Later on in his life, Tupac was arrested and sent to jail on what has turned out to be a crime his friend committed. He was selected for the sentencing because he had set the situation up that led to the crime, but there is a strong element of singling our in the whole affair. Some people have argued that the system picked on Tupac.

But On September 16th, 1995, when he needed money to bail himself out of jail, Suge Knight came with the infamous “Death Row Records” Napkin Contract, which was a 3 album 3.5 million contract. However, Interscope records owned Death Row Records, so to make things official, on October 4th, 1995, Tupac signed a formal contract with Interscope, sealing the deal to work with Death Row Records.

And he was set free, but while working to fulfill the conditions of the bail agreement, which meant working for Death Row Records, Tupac complained of feeling he was under intense surveillance, of being blamed for things he wasn't involved in himself, for instance for the fact drugs were being dealt by people close to him, and so on.

With these experiences abounding, little prevented Tupac from making the ultimate conclusion. He figured that he was a target for elimination by the leaders in the system. It was all so clear to him he sang about it in several of his songs, so clear because he didn't even have to get up to no good to attract the wrong attention, and also often get blamed for what others around him were doing which had led to him being sent to prison in the first place.

Medgar Evers

Medgar Evers is another slain black man who also predicted his death, and though his assassination is considered to have been inevitable considering the fact he lived in an area with a high prevalence of klan members, he wasn't the only one who was organizing for civil rights, nor was he the highest official in all except one local organization. His own brother was also active in civil rights activism, and the highest position medgar held was merely that of field secretary for the state in the NAACP. This means there were people in this organization who were more powerful than he was.

Medgar Evers was a World War II veteran who had served in the United States Army. He worked to overturn segregation at the University of Mississippi, end the segregation of public facilities, and expand opportunities for African Americans, which included the enforcement of voting rights.

Before his assassination, Mr Evers told people around him, especially his wife, that "they" wanted him dead sooner rather than later, and it came to pass.

The question we should ask is why he felt so strongly that it was him, and him alone, out of all who were organizing with him, that would be singled out for elimination. Obviously, Mr Evers, like Tupac, based the prediction of his impeding assassination on similar observations that Tupac had made. These include the singling out for special attention as if there is something about him that makes him different from those around him, something extra not to admire but to be wary of, something that can easily lead to death in this particular system led by the particular kabalistic elite.

Malcolm X is another slain civil rights leader who also predicted his death, and so too did MLK. These two appear to have become aware of their impeding doom at the height of success of their activism, not when they were just running around hoping to one day make a difference.

This late awareness of a more or less ordained fate in the particular system they lived doesn't mean the singling out hadn't happened to them or impinged on their imaginations. It most probably had happened as often as with the others mentioned before, but was not taken seriously or simply considered as something other than what it actually was.

Where the realization was made early, such as was the case with Tupac, we can easily be led to conclude that he was merely paranoid, that he was making assumptions, and that in the end he brought his shooting on himself. But nothing could be further from the truth than these stand points.

You see, there is nothing incredible or magical about making this realization at all, especially as it pertains to the dominant culture and its plans for the black minorities it oppresses. There is a track record of targeted eliminations of oppressed group members stretching all the way back to the plantations. All it takes is to realize that the finger is pointed at you is to be of sound, healthy mind and body, with a focused i.e. not distracted disposition. It's called paying attention to what is happening inside as well as around you. Our best are in the end just like any group's best. They comprise mentally gifted individuals who possess insight and are able to do the math better than the average civilian. This is what makes them our best after all. They arrive at such conclusions with ease.

All it would have required for Tupac or Medgar Evers to know they were going to end up dead by an assassin's bullet, or something else, was that they keep an ear to the ground, know their history, do the math properly to know it was not because they were dealing in the sacrosanct that they were getting undue focus on their persons, that it was not because they were overly handsome that they were virtually under surveillance, that "all eyes were on them" because they were well built, but because of who they were perceived to be by figures in authority. All eyes were on them because they were special, the kind of special that makes a difference without even making an overt effort for this to happen.

And once they arrived at the truth that this isn't a quality that people in positions of power in the capitalist system tolerate, the conclusion to be made would be as clear as day. They would know they would inevitably be eliminated because this is how the game of oppression of black people is played. The best are never spared, unless they can be recruited to work against the good of their own, and if they cannot then they are simply incapacitated or eliminated.

People like Tupac knew what drives the kabalistic elite that leads the west, and they knew how they would respond to what they were doing, especially the rate of their success in their endeavors, by just joining the dots.

This is not rocket science.

There are men and women out there among the oppressed that the zionist led west would drop an entire jumbo to kill, so that the masses aren't influenced by them, so that they don't get to work their magic and become either too hard to handle or too difficult to bring down. They also eliminate people like this because they are desperate, because they feel waiting any longer could prove catastrophic.

With such people out of the way, the masses are left in the dark and powerless about their oppressed status. Furthermore, the masses are left without a clearly formulated idea of how to differentiate their best from the frauds pandered by the system as their leaders, or, put differently, the masses are left clueless about when to know when they have a good thing. Most importantly, the masses fail to comprehend the magnitude of their loss because it happens too soon in the life of the man or woman they have lost, at a point in time when they have yet to leave a mark significant enough to be of much note.

Efforts are later made to make it difficult to investigate the individual and find out what it was about them that frightened the system so much, so that the oppressed masses fail to understand their alloted status in the capitalist system, what drives it, and what it routinely does to retain control over them.

As I said above, the routine elimination of the best is akin to severing the head of the oppressed community so that they are easier to control. The problem is that, because this head grows back, the process has to be repeated every so often and in times of peace, people cannot just be rounded up and massacred. The ways of doing this described of America, that are also applied in every western country, become imperative.

These methods are also applied in Africa itself, by Africans on other Africans.

Marcus Garvey

Africa already has a Deep State in every country made up of Africans, mostly Freemasons, who control our best by frustrating them or eliminating them when this is impossible. If you have studied masonic African American history you would have come across how Du Bois, and other masons, were used to prevent Marcus Garvey from succeeding. Du Bois and colleagues set up the foundation of the movement that would become known as the "Marcus Garvey Must Go" movement. And they managed to do just that.

Du Bois, who was trained by the masons to be instinctively anti African nationalism, was later also deployed in Trinidad to sow the seeds of anti African nationalism. He worked through the Christian pastors there, after which he would go to Africa itself to lay the groundwork for the rejection of Marcus Garvey's ideas. He didn't do this in an obvious way. In fact he moved to Africa as a proponent of Pan Africanism.

In the case of Dubois we have a clear documented example of a Freemason who was used to destroy African nationalism taking root internationally. The question one would ask is why was this same man used across national borders? This foreign deployment of an agent was necessary at that time because Africa had yet to have its own trusted masons who took care of business for their masters in the west, and Du Bois was good at what he did. His anti African nationalism work on the continent would later culminate in the defeat of Kwame Nkrumah.

The era when foreign Freemasons were imported to Africa to undermine the continent's striving to be free from western imperialism came to an end around the time when what the British writer Basil Davidson called the Winds of Change blew through the African Continent, leading to western powers giving so called independence back to Africans. We know today that the west didn't have the complete independence of Africans in mind. Their goal was to drive Africa into neocolonialism, and this could only be possible if they could convince Africans that they were really independent but in fact were still being controlled by the west. This required of course that the west establish first that it had Africa filled to the brim with hidden cells comprising its own African operatives who would ensure the continent could not derail from their tutelage. Only then could they give up on direct rule.

Hereafter, what had previously only been happening in America started happening in Africa as well, and continues happening to this day, and it is what keeps the continent enslaved and backwards.

To understand how this is possible, how Africans can be so self destructive and self defeating, you would need to know that the personality profile of African Freemasons is carefully selected from the most vain, conceited, insecure and ignorant Africans, who are then made wealthy and powerful. This personality profile will see industrious Africans as a threat by default, and will do their best to frustrate people who achieve success on their own, and these people happen to be our best. Add to this the fact when a man is supported completely in his life by another there is a godfather effect and you can clearly understand why African masons are in reality a trap that's been set to catch our best on the rise. Inevitably, it wouldn't matter to them if they discovered that they work for the klan ... And the masons are responsible for the existence of the klan.

African masons have thus far done a good job of preventing our head from regrowing, but now our best have been rebred in such numbers people like Magufuli cannot be kept from assuming leadership roles. This is why depopulating Africa becomes imperative for the west. This is the only way they can regain control, short of the assassinations required to remove every African that will turn up and be against their dictates.

Already they have covertly killed 2 leaders who were anti vaxxers, the president of Burundi, Pierre Kurunziza, who also died of the "heart complication" known as a heart attack, and now Magufuli and, at this rate, they will be forced to commit a variant of the Katyn forest massacre in Africa to successfully sever the head that has so successfully re-emerged and is knocking on the doors to leadership everywhere in Africa.

Monday, 1 March 2021

Why Black People Can Never Be Left Alone in a Culture Run by Western Secret Societies

Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me" video. This was his debut R&B release on the Motown label in 1984. The song's lyrics relate the narrator's paranoid fear of being followed and watched. It featured former Motown artists Michael Jackson on the chorus and Jermaine Jackson on additional backing vocals.

Are you a black man or woman living in the west who has the feeling somebody is watching you, and you don't have any privacy? Do you feel that a group of people have invaded your life and they are being obvious like they couldn't be bothered if you know? Do you feel surrounded by these people to the point you think they are everywhere?

Have you figured out from the manner they observe you that they want the best of you, to steal for use in their creative processes?

Rest assured that, for so far as your sanity can be ascertained, you are not delusional nor are you paranoid. You aren't imagining things. This invasion into the private lives of select black folk is real, and it is in fact modus operandi for the western intelligentsia.

This "prying" or "eavesdropping" into private black lives is done in order to study the mental and biological processes of those selected. The information gathered, be this how the individual displaces, how often they eat, what they eat, how they exercise, how often they defecate per day, what the implications and applications of what they said in a letter they wrote or a conversation they had are, what their way of having sex is, their favored positions, and etc., is collected with a view that this may enhance the "advancement process" of the western world. This is in fact normal MO for the kaballistic western elites, and it is age old.

You are not suffering from delusions of grandeur if you have deduced as much, because this really happens, and those isolated for such observation don't have to have social importance to be selected. They only have to fulfill criteria only the elites of the west believe they fulfil.

What this criteria is can actually be deduced if we study the history of the doctrines that guide the beliefs of the elites of the west.

As I mentioned above, these "covert" operations are not a novel phenomenon. They date back to the time when the first Europeans were exposed to the advancement of the black race and "decided" it was not coincidental that the black race had managed the feats that went into the creation of the foundation upon which this current civilization was built, but a product of the fact the gods had favored black skinned people.

This is documented.

This means they believed that black people were molded differently from white people at the potter's wheel. They were given attributes that made them better, more capable people.

If you have studied ancient Greek mythology, you will know that much of it is not indegenous but adopted. The deities that ancient Greeks had were mostly taken from Kemet (ancient Egypt) and renamed. The roles they played in the original myths were sometimes altered, other times reassigned, but the basic allegory was preserved intact. The symbolism used in these stories were also preserved.

Westerners would soon start adapting their very worldview to the realities these adopted belief systems represented.

The problem with the wholesale adoption of beliefs whose main dieties were designed by a different race, in this case by a black race that made the mythology pro dark skinned, melanated beings, and emphasized the role melanin had played in their ascendance, was that westerners would have to internalize the belief white skin wasn't good enough, even when this hadn't been the intended message.

Obviously, westerners had to go through a gradual process of understanding and inevitably of accepting the message in the mythologies they had adopted as truth, and would also have gone through the process of finding their right place within the mythologies, that can be likened to the seeking and finding of a coping strategy within the reality they had adopted from an alien culture no less.

A quote on Hercules by Thomas Huxley (1860), wherein he describes theologians as snakes falling by the wayside of each new science, e.g. Darwin 's evolution; the rendition of Hercules as a youth fighting snakes, to note, is a Greek rescript of Horus the youth battling Apep, the famous night snake that battles all the sun gods.

The fact they took care to change the names and races of the adopted dieties they had come to worship without changing the myth, tells us they were aware of the race issue but found the mythology to be truthful. This is how come Heru (Horus in Greek) became Herakles (Hercules) and though he became a white diety, the allegory in his story stayed the same in essence. Prometheus was another diety snatched whole from Kemet, who became white without major changes to his allegory. He stole a fire (glowing charcoal which is another symbol for Melanin) from heaven ... was chained to a pillar and had his liver (considered the seat of human emotions) eaten out by an eagle. The same allegory was repeated with the biblical Jesus who was nailed to a cross (same symbol as the pillar Prometheus was chained to representing his melanated body, which is the same symbol as the tree that the serpent in the garden of eden climbed) and was stabbed in the liver, the same organ eaten out of Prometheus, and so on this story goes.

Cross burning by the Ku klux Klan. If we understand from kaballah symbolism that the cross represents the body of the Christ, and the Christ is the essence of a melanated being (the kundalini/third eye), then we can see clearly what this group, created by masons to put black people in check after emancipation, are using it for in their cross burning rituals. The Christ figure nailed to the cross is an allegory that doesn't just have significance in kaballah symbolism or the Bible. The ku klux klan burning crosses represents them burning black folk "in effigy". The fact it is a representation of a black body should become apparent when you just ask yourself why a Christian cross should become an instrument of intimidation? Why did they pick the cross to burn on the lawns of black folk? What connection do black people have to Christian crosses? The explanation or logical answer to these questions is hidden right out in the open.

Thus were born occult traditions, salient of which is the kaballah that appeared much later as an amalgamation of these adopted mythologies, that took over the role of guiding the conduct of western society via the leadership that kabalistic secret societies provided, whose members engaged in its occult rituals that were recitations of allegories that had blackness or melanin as the focal point. White countries were in essence worshiping blackness.

If we do not forget that central to these occult teachings was the precept that melanin, the element that enables blackness, should be considered supreme in nature, which wasn't a surprising feature of a mythology created by black beings looking to exalt their essence, it is not surprising or strange that, in the hands of non black people, the implied message was that whites were mentally and physically lacking and could only ascend to the same level as melanated beings if they became black or acquired equal amounts of melanin. In a situation where whites were in control, they would feel compelled to do to actual blacks anything that they could to learn how to be black from them, to get to the root of the advantage as a way of eventually possessing it too.

This is how come you got in antebellum America this mindset that believed fervently that black bodies are medicinal. This is how you got people who harbored the belief if you have arthritis and you place your feet on the back of a black child, it will be cured. This is how come entire well equipped outfits exist in the west whose sole purpose is the selection, isolation and study of select black individuals for the purpose of the mental and physical ascendance of the entire white race.

Clearly, the occult guidance the west adopted from kemet could only instill the belief in the need for white folk to become black to be their best. It led in the end to occult traditions that turned white adherents into literal parasites of black people as a way of transcending the limitations of the white frame.

The time has come for this truth to be bluntly stated, without euphemism. The need to become like black people, to in fact BE black people, in order to take advantage of what is believed only black people are capable of, as witness what the ancestors of black folk once did in ancient Egypt and other places, to transcend the limitations of the white frame, has driven the occult traditions of western secret societies since the times of the Ancient Greeks, and has resulted in white people preying on black people in all kinds of ways in attempts to gain the powers that blacks are believed to have.

And it is only by deciphering the esoteric message in especially kaballah mythology, because we know the kaballah is behind every major secret society in the west, that this truth is revealed, because it is in fact plainly stated in this Jewish tradition. For instance, the serpent and melanin are one and the same thing in the kaballah.

The fact the intrusions into private black lives also extend into the lives of private white individuals doesn't change the fact the invasions into the lives of people by the secret societies are an activity reserved primarily for black people. White people become objects of such study only because they are considered to be genetically black, i.e. they are believed to be genetic incarnations of black people in white skin.

Do not make the mistake of equating these intrusions to the targeting in covert warfare that is a central theme of this website, and the central subject of my book. The behaviors and methods surrounding both activities are the same but are initiated for totally different reasons and have different objectives. Targets of covert warfare are usually being put in line because they went against the grain, or are being punished for an infraction that cannot be brought before Judge and jury, otherwise they are being held in one spot to prevent them from doing what is expected from the personality profile they fit. Many are in fact in the program to be experimented upon for the development of the weapons used in the very targeting program.

The select black folk who are having their lives invaded for study are apart from this group. They are singled out and are being studied for insights this might give the cabal to be better than they believe they inherently are, according to their mythology.

This is the main difference.