Saturday, 27 March 2021

What the Rise of Magufuli and Like Minded Leaders on the African Continent Says About the State of the African Intelligentsia and Why the West is Worried About This Development 

John Pombe Magufuli is laid to rest

The death of John Pombe Magufuli came as a big surprise to many people and, almost immediately it was announced, speculation started online that he had been assassinated. The culprit? Most people pointed to the western world and its desire to see the third world vaccinated. They felt that he stood in the way of that objective.

Some people implicated the Chinese but it is clear to see that these are disinformation campaigns that are most probably driven by a west afraid the assassination represents a shot in their own foot.

Africans are not going to get any easier to control in the aftermath.

The fact the Chinese aren't involved in his death is as clear as day. For starters, they are currently involved in a trade war with the west and any chance they would be putting the issues aside to cooperate on killing African heads of state is very slim. The current Covert World War era, as I prefer to call it, that the world is in, is a reaction of the west to their industriousness. Basically, the west torpedoed the entire global economy to stop their rise, and African heads of state standing in the way of western interests for the African continent are helping the Chinese rather than the reverse.

The Chinese are under attack by the west as we speak, so cooperation with the enemy cannot be on the table until all else is resolved.

If you ask me, their modus operandi isn't to kill foreign leaders to get their way. The Chinese are everywhere, and they have been everywhere for almost as long as the west has been traversing the globe but, to date, they have not made a track record of assassinations of foreign heads of state, but the west has. They have not been caught poisoning a community or entire country to get their way, but the west has. They have not been caught creating plagues or culling populations some other way to get their way, but the west has. They have not built their current empire on indentured slave labor, but the west has. They have not wiped out entire indegenous populations and taken over their land, but the west has. They have not pushed debilitating drugs on a community or country to get their way, but the west has and the most notable example of this were the Opium Wars that saw the west attempt to dampen the resolve of the Chinese to resist western territorial encroachment by turning them into stupid addicts of opium.

The Chinese way is different from the western way.

When the Chinese are hindered in their pursuits, they seek and find alternatives, which the west doesn't. Alternatives are luxuries the west cannot afford, while they are not for the Chinese, and right now trade between China and Tanzania is most probably booming despite the moves Magufuli made to limit their commerce in his country, because the Chinese found other ways to get into the country.

The death of the Tanzanian president was announced in a statement by Tanzanian Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan, who cited heart complications as the cause. There had been earlier unconfirmed reports from opposition leaders, which Mr. Magufuli’s government denied, that he had been hospitalized in Nairobi for covid-19. He was last seen in public on Feb. 27.

It is questionable that a president with access to medical care beyond what the average civilian can ever dream of having access to would die from heart complications, let alone Covid19. We have witnessed at least a dozen heads of state get the Corona virus since the pandemic began, and all of them recovered soon thereafter mainly because of the quality of care they had access to. Tanzania boasted a verified cure for the virus that didn't differ much from the variant of the concoction that saved the life of President Trump. Prolonging Magufuli's life wouldn't have been very difficult considering the fact he was known to be a healthy individual and would by the time he supposedly got infected have already been exposed to the virus and beat it with ease. We can be sure of this if we trust the Fauci science that masks prevent people from getting infected or spreading the disease, because Magufuli wasn't wearing masks and was always mingling with the crowds.

Magufuli in church

Also, if it was indeed Covid19 that felled him, how come nobody else in his inner circle wasn't equally affected. Why did he have to be the only one who got it as seriously as he did?

It is with this in mind that I can state that the suspicions that he was assassinated are justified, and in fact accurate. I just don't see this happening the way most people think it did. I think the man was taken out using high tech means and I base my belief on what the Prime Minister cited as the cause of death, not Covid19. This wasn't the first time that he had this condition, and the west is known to be particularly fond of affecting the functioning of this organ in activists using remote means ... but then that's better kept as a topic for another day.

Right now I want to focus on the obvious reason Magufuli was eliminated, especially on the events happening in the political life of most African countries that led to this culmination, and will continue doing so unless the west is successful in its quest to drastically depopulate Africa, which happens to be the motivation behind the vaccination campaign.

The rebirth of our intelligentsia is inevitable and the west knows this. This is the reason they want our numbers controlled because they are failing to get rid of our best at rates that would prevent the African intelligentsia from retaking control of the continent. This is partly the reason the Vaccines are being pushed on us so hard.

The less of us there are, the easier we are to control.

A Katyn Forest Massacre mass grave.

Every conquest knows a period when the conqueror gets rid of the best of a people. The most known example is the Russian Katyn Massacre when 20 thousand polish generals, intellectuals, etc., were eliminated. Why would the Russians do this, you would ask? Because with that simple move they cut off the head of the poles. Yes, the best of a people constitute their head.

The USA has also done the same thing during its global conquest rampages. For instance, they took away Germany's top scientists after the war in what is known as Operation Paperclip.

One of the people taken from Germany was Dr. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun. He was one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Germany and later the United States. The V-2 ballistic missile was his brainchild. Originally a German scientist who led Germany's rocket development program before and during World War II, he was forced into the United States of America together with hordes of other top ranking and highly talented Nazi scientists, including Joseph Mengele, at the end of the war through the then-secret Operation Paperclip. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen and worked on the American ICBM program before joining NASA, where he served as Director. This man, who was taken by force from a defeated and conquered nation, is generally regarded as the father of the United States space program.

Once the initial decapitation has been carried out using any of the means mentioned before, the coast is clear for full fledged subjugation of a people. But there is a problem that soon arises with the passage of time. The best get recreated through births or maturity of those who were not identified as the best during the initial purge.

This means that the head grows back, and as long as the need to subjugate the conquered group persists, the regrowth has to be cut again.

But in times of peace, gathering people together and leading them into the wilderness to be slaughtered and dumped into mass graves is out of the question. This would not just cause outrage but awaken those who have fallen into a slumber about their conquered status in the society and the potential fate that awaits them.

Collecting the best together and shipping them to some western country would also be frowned upon, but encouraging an intellectual drain would work, but then only to an extent that wouldn't be sufficient to stem the tide. Covert means of eliminating the best as they manifest have to be found to completely prevent the regrowth of the head of the conquered community, a way of either recruiting them against the interests of their own people or eliminating them if this isn't possible or sensible without alerting the target community to what is going on is the best way that this is done.

It is not for nothing that George Orwell mentions the use of targeted eliminations done on the proles in order to control them in his book 1984, and the best example of how the process by which the covert elimination of a group's best is achieved we get from how African Americans have been losing some of their most prominent men and women the past century.

The first example I thought to give of important hallmarks to look out for that are unmistakable signifiers of this elimination process is that of Tupac, and while his case is recent and may be discounted on the fact a rapper is hardly seen to stand for the best of a group, it's important to know that the best don't always manifest as tall, handsome, well to do, erudite professors emeritus or high ranking officials, and the criteria the conqueror uses to identify them isn't strait forward. It is usually adjusted to the prevailing social circunstances and can sometimes be preemptive, rather than merely reacting to perceived problematic individuals after they have already established themselves and are well known by the public. This means that a time comes when the best are eliminated before they even know that they are human beings.

Now, once, while Tupac was being interviewed on the set of the movie Bullet, co-starring Mickey Rourke and a young Adrian Brody, in which he played the character Slick Rick, Tupac wondered out loud as all hell broke loose right behind the crew interviewing him, why the interviewer insisted on asking what to him was a trivial question compared to the fact there was a serious fight happening right behind them.

The thing to understand about the mindset of the crew that had set out to record that interview with him is the fact nothing else was more important than getting a piece of Tupac to them. He was more important than a fight that could spill over and affect them too. He was more important than injuries they may potentially get if they didn't react soon enough. They were, after all, dealing with an uncommon phenomenon in him.

Later on in his life, Tupac was arrested and sent to jail on what has turned out to be a crime his friend committed. He was selected for the sentencing because he had set the situation up that led to the crime, but there is a strong element of singling our in the whole affair. Some people have argued that the system picked on Tupac.

But On September 16th, 1995, when he needed money to bail himself out of jail, Suge Knight came with the infamous “Death Row Records” Napkin Contract, which was a 3 album 3.5 million contract. However, Interscope records owned Death Row Records, so to make things official, on October 4th, 1995, Tupac signed a formal contract with Interscope, sealing the deal to work with Death Row Records.

And he was set free, but while working to fulfill the conditions of the bail agreement, which meant working for Death Row Records, Tupac complained of feeling he was under intense surveillance, of being blamed for things he wasn't involved in himself, for instance for the fact drugs were being dealt by people close to him, and so on.

With these experiences abounding, little prevented Tupac from making the ultimate conclusion. He figured that he was a target for elimination by the leaders in the system. It was all so clear to him he sang about it in several of his songs, so clear because he didn't even have to get up to no good to attract the wrong attention, and also often get blamed for what others around him were doing which had led to him being sent to prison in the first place.

Medgar Evers

Medgar Evers is another slain black man who also predicted his death, and though his assassination is considered to have been inevitable considering the fact he lived in an area with a high prevalence of klan members, he wasn't the only one who was organizing for civil rights, nor was he the highest official in all except one local organization. His own brother was also active in civil rights activism, and the highest position medgar held was merely that of field secretary for the state in the NAACP. This means there were people in this organization who were more powerful than he was.

Medgar Evers was a World War II veteran who had served in the United States Army. He worked to overturn segregation at the University of Mississippi, end the segregation of public facilities, and expand opportunities for African Americans, which included the enforcement of voting rights.

Before his assassination, Mr Evers told people around him, especially his wife, that "they" wanted him dead sooner rather than later, and it came to pass.

The question we should ask is why he felt so strongly that it was him, and him alone, out of all who were organizing with him, that would be singled out for elimination. Obviously, Mr Evers, like Tupac, based the prediction of his impeding assassination on similar observations that Tupac had made. These include the singling out for special attention as if there is something about him that makes him different from those around him, something extra not to admire but to be wary of, something that can easily lead to death in this particular system led by the particular kabalistic elite.

Malcolm X is another slain civil rights leader who also predicted his death, and so too did MLK. These two appear to have become aware of their impeding doom at the height of success of their activism, not when they were just running around hoping to one day make a difference.

This late awareness of a more or less ordained fate in the particular system they lived doesn't mean the singling out hadn't happened to them or impinged on their imaginations. It most probably had happened as often as with the others mentioned before, but was not taken seriously or simply considered as something other than what it actually was.

Where the realization was made early, such as was the case with Tupac, we can easily be led to conclude that he was merely paranoid, that he was making assumptions, and that in the end he brought his shooting on himself. But nothing could be further from the truth than these stand points.

You see, there is nothing incredible or magical about making this realization at all, especially as it pertains to the dominant culture and its plans for the black minorities it oppresses. There is a track record of targeted eliminations of oppressed group members stretching all the way back to the plantations. All it takes is to realize that the finger is pointed at you is to be of sound, healthy mind and body, with a focused i.e. not distracted disposition. It's called paying attention to what is happening inside as well as around you. Our best are in the end just like any group's best. They comprise mentally gifted individuals who possess insight and are able to do the math better than the average civilian. This is what makes them our best after all. They arrive at such conclusions with ease.

All it would have required for Tupac or Medgar Evers to know they were going to end up dead by an assassin's bullet, or something else, was that they keep an ear to the ground, know their history, do the math properly to know it was not because they were dealing in the sacrosanct that they were getting undue focus on their persons, that it was not because they were overly handsome that they were virtually under surveillance, that "all eyes were on them" because they were well built, but because of who they were perceived to be by figures in authority. All eyes were on them because they were special, the kind of special that makes a difference without even making an overt effort for this to happen.

And once they arrived at the truth that this isn't a quality that people in positions of power in the capitalist system tolerate, the conclusion to be made would be as clear as day. They would know they would inevitably be eliminated because this is how the game of oppression of black people is played. The best are never spared, unless they can be recruited to work against the good of their own, and if they cannot then they are simply incapacitated or eliminated.

People like Tupac knew what drives the kabalistic elite that leads the west, and they knew how they would respond to what they were doing, especially the rate of their success in their endeavors, by just joining the dots.

This is not rocket science.

There are men and women out there among the oppressed that the zionist led west would drop an entire jumbo to kill, so that the masses aren't influenced by them, so that they don't get to work their magic and become either too hard to handle or too difficult to bring down. They also eliminate people like this because they are desperate, because they feel waiting any longer could prove catastrophic.

With such people out of the way, the masses are left in the dark and powerless about their oppressed status. Furthermore, the masses are left without a clearly formulated idea of how to differentiate their best from the frauds pandered by the system as their leaders, or, put differently, the masses are left clueless about when to know when they have a good thing. Most importantly, the masses fail to comprehend the magnitude of their loss because it happens too soon in the life of the man or woman they have lost, at a point in time when they have yet to leave a mark significant enough to be of much note.

Efforts are later made to make it difficult to investigate the individual and find out what it was about them that frightened the system so much, so that the oppressed masses fail to understand their alloted status in the capitalist system, what drives it, and what it routinely does to retain control over them.

As I said above, the routine elimination of the best is akin to severing the head of the oppressed community so that they are easier to control. The problem is that, because this head grows back, the process has to be repeated every so often and in times of peace, people cannot just be rounded up and massacred. The ways of doing this described of America, that are also applied in every western country, become imperative.

These methods are also applied in Africa itself, by Africans on other Africans.

Marcus Garvey

Africa already has a Deep State in every country made up of Africans, mostly Freemasons, who control our best by frustrating them or eliminating them when this is impossible. If you have studied masonic African American history you would have come across how Du Bois, and other masons, were used to prevent Marcus Garvey from succeeding. Du Bois and colleagues set up the foundation of the movement that would become known as the "Marcus Garvey Must Go" movement. And they managed to do just that.

Du Bois, who was trained by the masons to be instinctively anti African nationalism, was later also deployed in Trinidad to sow the seeds of anti African nationalism. He worked through the Christian pastors there, after which he would go to Africa itself to lay the groundwork for the rejection of Marcus Garvey's ideas. He didn't do this in an obvious way. In fact he moved to Africa as a proponent of Pan Africanism.

In the case of Dubois we have a clear documented example of a Freemason who was used to destroy African nationalism taking root internationally. The question one would ask is why was this same man used across national borders? This foreign deployment of an agent was necessary at that time because Africa had yet to have its own trusted masons who took care of business for their masters in the west, and Du Bois was good at what he did. His anti African nationalism work on the continent would later culminate in the defeat of Kwame Nkrumah.

The era when foreign Freemasons were imported to Africa to undermine the continent's striving to be free from western imperialism came to an end around the time when what the British writer Basil Davidson called the Winds of Change blew through the African Continent, leading to western powers giving so called independence back to Africans. We know today that the west didn't have the complete independence of Africans in mind. Their goal was to drive Africa into neocolonialism, and this could only be possible if they could convince Africans that they were really independent but in fact were still being controlled by the west. This required of course that the west establish first that it had Africa filled to the brim with hidden cells comprising its own African operatives who would ensure the continent could not derail from their tutelage. Only then could they give up on direct rule.

Hereafter, what had previously only been happening in America started happening in Africa as well, and continues happening to this day, and it is what keeps the continent enslaved and backwards.

To understand how this is possible, how Africans can be so self destructive and self defeating, you would need to know that the personality profile of African Freemasons is carefully selected from the most vain, conceited, insecure and ignorant Africans, who are then made wealthy and powerful. This personality profile will see industrious Africans as a threat by default, and will do their best to frustrate people who achieve success on their own, and these people happen to be our best. Add to this the fact when a man is supported completely in his life by another there is a godfather effect and you can clearly understand why African masons are in reality a trap that's been set to catch our best on the rise. Inevitably, it wouldn't matter to them if they discovered that they work for the klan ... And the masons are responsible for the existence of the klan.

African masons have thus far done a good job of preventing our head from regrowing, but now our best have been rebred in such numbers people like Magufuli cannot be kept from assuming leadership roles. This is why depopulating Africa becomes imperative for the west. This is the only way they can regain control, short of the assassinations required to remove every African that will turn up and be against their dictates.

Already they have covertly killed 2 leaders who were anti vaxxers, the president of Burundi, Pierre Kurunziza, who also died of the "heart complication" known as a heart attack, and now Magufuli and, at this rate, they will be forced to commit a variant of the Katyn forest massacre in Africa to successfully sever the head that has so successfully re-emerged and is knocking on the doors to leadership everywhere in Africa.

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