Saturday, 18 September 2021

Operation Crimson Mist: Factors that Point to the Possible Inadvertent Deletion of the Entire Western Deep State Cell Network in Rwanda

I am totally convinced that the Rwandan genocide was a deliberately instigated mass mind control event, and that the Rwandans themselves were unwitting participants in an operation the likes of which may only have been seen in possibly two, but definitely in one other place, which is Iraq.

I am sure that Operation Crimson Mist is what it is called.

I once speculated as much, way before I came across the story of this NATO operation, and I still have a meme I made about the event stored on my phone.

But there is something that happened in Rwanda in the aftermath of the genocide that is very odd and possibly exposes a fact about what is holding African countries back, if you look and ruminate hard enough about Rwanda today.

I happened upon this interesting reality after I remembered something I had written before about an unrelated issue.

I remembered writing about the book "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" that:

despite the idea it generates that Africans cannot cope as well as people in countries where the average IQ is 100 because, with an average IQ of 80, we basically wander around like morons and are only able to achieve very little collectively because we don't have the intelligence required for high achievement, yet, my experience of especially Africans living in the west is of a significant percentage coping better than natives themselves in the daily demands of life. This capacity to display a higher than average intelligence in a milleau of a majority that's supposedly better equipped to cope actually proves that it isn't down to IQ alone that African countries as a whole are failing. There are other factors working to make this so. 

What this single fact reveals is that there is more to intelligence than meets the eye, that Africans are able to use an intelligence to cope in the demands of life in the west that's not indicated with standard IQ tests.

The Africans that I knew in the west were average intellects, most of them not highly educated, but most of them managed to live comfortably, with a few living lavishly. Some of them started businesses that became highly successful and are going strong to date. 

This all requires using intelligence to achieve. 

There are parts of Europe and America where it is taken for granted that Africans are bound to have more money than natives. Africans living in America are more successful on average than African Americans, despite the fact the latter group has a higher IQ score. 

It is true to say attitudes matter to success, and that it's the attitudes of continental Africans in America that are responsible for this difference in success between the two ethnicities. But we must not forget that intelligence is required to recognize and take advantage of opportunities. Chances a band of marauding idiots are going to better their lot because they happen to wander through a land of opportunities are non existent. 

What all this testifies to is that success in this system doesn't necessarily require a high IQ. I think that that's already been sufficiently demonstrated by Africans who have shown possession of the intelligence required to excel in this system which isn't being shown with average IQ test result scores. 

I would argue here that what remains to be found out is how to measure this intelligence.

These were some of the thoughts I expressed regarding the infamous book. Here I will explain what this has to do with what I think the aftermath of the Rwanda genocide demonstrated. 

Rwanda is currently excelling socio-economically, and doing better than western countries in more ways than just one, but still scores around a median of 85 on IQ test results. Rwanda is being very African in this regard because it is replicating on a national level coping traits that have been observed of groups of Africans abroad. What this is saying out loud is that the Rwandese have been freed from the fetters holding other African countries from being exemplars of known African coping patterns.

The fact only Rwanda out of all African countries is performing brilliantly, and that this performance is happening after a major social catastrophe that should have stood in the way of progress, is all suggestive of the facf that the genocide itself is the event that released the fetters.

Now, I am not suggesting that African countries need to go through a genocide to see progress. It is not advisable and it could in fact make things worse. 

I have looked at the Rwandan genocide from different angles, and my suspicions, and recent awareness of Operation Crimson Mist, have opened my eyes to what this event that loosened the fetters holding most African countries back from progressing the way they are perfectly capable of is.

This is what I think happened, and here I will first give an example to make the procedure clearer. 

If you have ever had a smartphone that suddenly became sluggish, and after trying everything else, somebody advised you to try factory resetting it in order to get it running normally again, you may have done this without saving your important files, such as documents and images, first, and ended up losing them.

This has in fact happened to me. And this is what I think happened to France regarding its deep state cells in Rwanda.

Every colonial master that left their colony in Africa, and handed political control over to the natives as such giving them so called independence, ensured that they left embedded in the country a deep state that constantly works to ensure colonialism prevails. Nothing any well meaning leader or even leading figures in society do to uplift their own people can work because these hidden cells undermine their efforts. 

The cells don't hesitate to go to the extent of murder to do this, and this may be the only viable explanation for why, on a community level, African countries are the only places on earth where the belief is held that good people die young. The good people in Africa may just be those who are working to better the life circumstances of fellow beings, the intellectuals and other gifted individuals who don't necessarily have to be doing something positive in the moment to fall under the radar of the deep state, but merely display the potential to do so. They are dying at the hands of western funded deep state cells that get rid of a type of individual, or a personality profile they have been trained to recognize as a threat, and therefore a foe. 

And it makes sense for a former colonial master with interests in covertly continuing an exploitative system to have cells in a former colony undermining everything the natives try to do to better their life circumstances because anything that uplifts the natives ends up taking away from the proceeds of the colonialists and eventually endangers the neo-colonial system.

This is how neo-colonialism works.

When France and NATO instigated the mass Crimson Mist experiment in Rwanda, they inadvertently set in motion a carnage that uprooted and destroyed their own deep state cells in the republic. This was made possible by the fact the cells were bound to get in more trouble during the outburst of rage than the average Hutu or Tutsi Rwandese because they are ethnic units that are planted right smack in opposing territories. Tutsi cells would have worked better in Hutu regions because the tribalistic element could be fully utilized, and vice versa.

These deep state operatives would have been in the worst position with regards being visible to a fault when the hate erupted and the killings began.

Given the deep state has to comprise an intricate structure of groomed men and women who have been shifted about strategic locations and gradually infiltrated into crucial or strategic positions in society, it takes time and can be very difficult to set it up again, especially in a country that has turned paranoid and extra vigilant in the aftermath.

Rwanda was thus freed from the fetters that hold other African countries in a developmental check, and the country could see rapid progress. This could in fact be the only explanation of why this unlikely country is the odd one out, the only country on the entire African continent that has displayed a trend seen of Africans in Asian or European climes. 

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