Monday, 1 March 2021

Why Black People Can Never Be Left Alone in a Culture Run by Western Secret Societies

Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me" video. This was his debut R&B release on the Motown label in 1984. The song's lyrics relate the narrator's paranoid fear of being followed and watched. It featured former Motown artists Michael Jackson on the chorus and Jermaine Jackson on additional backing vocals.

Are you a black man or woman living in the west who has the feeling somebody is watching you, and you don't have any privacy? Do you feel that a group of people have invaded your life and they are being obvious like they couldn't be bothered if you know? Do you feel surrounded by these people to the point you think they are everywhere?

Have you figured out from the manner they observe you that they want the best of you, to steal for use in their creative processes?

Rest assured that, for so far as your sanity can be ascertained, you are not delusional nor are you paranoid. You aren't imagining things. This invasion into the private lives of select black folk is real, and it is in fact modus operandi for the western intelligentsia.

This "prying" or "eavesdropping" into private black lives is done in order to study the mental and biological processes of those selected. The information gathered, be this how the individual displaces, how often they eat, what they eat, how they exercise, how often they defecate per day, what the implications and applications of what they said in a letter they wrote or a conversation they had are, what their way of having sex is, their favored positions, and etc., is collected with a view that this may enhance the "advancement process" of the western world. This is in fact normal MO for the kaballistic western elites, and it is age old.

You are not suffering from delusions of grandeur if you have deduced as much, because this really happens, and those isolated for such observation don't have to have social importance to be selected. They only have to fulfill criteria only the elites of the west believe they fulfil.

What this criteria is can actually be deduced if we study the history of the doctrines that guide the beliefs of the elites of the west.

As I mentioned above, these "covert" operations are not a novel phenomenon. They date back to the time when the first Europeans were exposed to the advancement of the black race and "decided" it was not coincidental that the black race had managed the feats that went into the creation of the foundation upon which this current civilization was built, but a product of the fact the gods had favored black skinned people.

This is documented.

This means they believed that black people were molded differently from white people at the potter's wheel. They were given attributes that made them better, more capable people.

If you have studied ancient Greek mythology, you will know that much of it is not indegenous but adopted. The deities that ancient Greeks had were mostly taken from Kemet (ancient Egypt) and renamed. The roles they played in the original myths were sometimes altered, other times reassigned, but the basic allegory was preserved intact. The symbolism used in these stories were also preserved.

Westerners would soon start adapting their very worldview to the realities these adopted belief systems represented.

The problem with the wholesale adoption of beliefs whose main dieties were designed by a different race, in this case by a black race that made the mythology pro dark skinned, melanated beings, and emphasized the role melanin had played in their ascendance, was that westerners would have to internalize the belief white skin wasn't good enough, even when this hadn't been the intended message.

Obviously, westerners had to go through a gradual process of understanding and inevitably of accepting the message in the mythologies they had adopted as truth, and would also have gone through the process of finding their right place within the mythologies, that can be likened to the seeking and finding of a coping strategy within the reality they had adopted from an alien culture no less.

A quote on Hercules by Thomas Huxley (1860), wherein he describes theologians as snakes falling by the wayside of each new science, e.g. Darwin 's evolution; the rendition of Hercules as a youth fighting snakes, to note, is a Greek rescript of Horus the youth battling Apep, the famous night snake that battles all the sun gods.

The fact they took care to change the names and races of the adopted dieties they had come to worship without changing the myth, tells us they were aware of the race issue but found the mythology to be truthful. This is how come Heru (Horus in Greek) became Herakles (Hercules) and though he became a white diety, the allegory in his story stayed the same in essence. Prometheus was another diety snatched whole from Kemet, who became white without major changes to his allegory. He stole a fire (glowing charcoal which is another symbol for Melanin) from heaven ... was chained to a pillar and had his liver (considered the seat of human emotions) eaten out by an eagle. The same allegory was repeated with the biblical Jesus who was nailed to a cross (same symbol as the pillar Prometheus was chained to representing his melanated body, which is the same symbol as the tree that the serpent in the garden of eden climbed) and was stabbed in the liver, the same organ eaten out of Prometheus, and so on this story goes.

Cross burning by the Ku klux Klan. If we understand from kaballah symbolism that the cross represents the body of the Christ, and the Christ is the essence of a melanated being (the kundalini/third eye), then we can see clearly what this group, created by masons to put black people in check after emancipation, are using it for in their cross burning rituals. The Christ figure nailed to the cross is an allegory that doesn't just have significance in kaballah symbolism or the Bible. The ku klux klan burning crosses represents them burning black folk "in effigy". The fact it is a representation of a black body should become apparent when you just ask yourself why a Christian cross should become an instrument of intimidation? Why did they pick the cross to burn on the lawns of black folk? What connection do black people have to Christian crosses? The explanation or logical answer to these questions is hidden right out in the open.

Thus were born occult traditions, salient of which is the kaballah that appeared much later as an amalgamation of these adopted mythologies, that took over the role of guiding the conduct of western society via the leadership that kabalistic secret societies provided, whose members engaged in its occult rituals that were recitations of allegories that had blackness or melanin as the focal point. White countries were in essence worshiping blackness.

If we do not forget that central to these occult teachings was the precept that melanin, the element that enables blackness, should be considered supreme in nature, which wasn't a surprising feature of a mythology created by black beings looking to exalt their essence, it is not surprising or strange that, in the hands of non black people, the implied message was that whites were mentally and physically lacking and could only ascend to the same level as melanated beings if they became black or acquired equal amounts of melanin. In a situation where whites were in control, they would feel compelled to do to actual blacks anything that they could to learn how to be black from them, to get to the root of the advantage as a way of eventually possessing it too.

This is how come you got in antebellum America this mindset that believed fervently that black bodies are medicinal. This is how you got people who harbored the belief if you have arthritis and you place your feet on the back of a black child, it will be cured. This is how come entire well equipped outfits exist in the west whose sole purpose is the selection, isolation and study of select black individuals for the purpose of the mental and physical ascendance of the entire white race.

Clearly, the occult guidance the west adopted from kemet could only instill the belief in the need for white folk to become black to be their best. It led in the end to occult traditions that turned white adherents into literal parasites of black people as a way of transcending the limitations of the white frame.

The time has come for this truth to be bluntly stated, without euphemism. The need to become like black people, to in fact BE black people, in order to take advantage of what is believed only black people are capable of, as witness what the ancestors of black folk once did in ancient Egypt and other places, to transcend the limitations of the white frame, has driven the occult traditions of western secret societies since the times of the Ancient Greeks, and has resulted in white people preying on black people in all kinds of ways in attempts to gain the powers that blacks are believed to have.

And it is only by deciphering the esoteric message in especially kaballah mythology, because we know the kaballah is behind every major secret society in the west, that this truth is revealed, because it is in fact plainly stated in this Jewish tradition. For instance, the serpent and melanin are one and the same thing in the kaballah.

The fact the intrusions into private black lives also extend into the lives of private white individuals doesn't change the fact the invasions into the lives of people by the secret societies are an activity reserved primarily for black people. White people become objects of such study only because they are considered to be genetically black, i.e. they are believed to be genetic incarnations of black people in white skin.

Do not make the mistake of equating these intrusions to the targeting in covert warfare that is a central theme of this website, and the central subject of my book. The behaviors and methods surrounding both activities are the same but are initiated for totally different reasons and have different objectives. Targets of covert warfare are usually being put in line because they went against the grain, or are being punished for an infraction that cannot be brought before Judge and jury, otherwise they are being held in one spot to prevent them from doing what is expected from the personality profile they fit. Many are in fact in the program to be experimented upon for the development of the weapons used in the very targeting program.

The select black folk who are having their lives invaded for study are apart from this group. They are singled out and are being studied for insights this might give the cabal to be better than they believe they inherently are, according to their mythology.

This is the main difference.

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