Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Africa Needs To Realize Why It Should Learn How To Identify And Protect Its Best To Regain Its Lost Glory

I came across this picture on Facebook today, and the caption to the photo showing a distraught, distressed Kwame Nkrumah after he was deposed from power, made me feel hopeful about the status of our awareness of our state in Africa.

It read:

Lest We Forget!

53Years ago today, agents of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) popped Champagne in their offices in Accra to celebrate the coup they organised against Africa's leading light, Kwame Nkrumah. They were aided by local compradors.
45 years later, NATO killed Muammar Gaddafi, whose country, Libya, was, by all indices, the most prosperous of African nations.

Sadly, many of us refused to learn any lesson and we joined in celebrating the sham independence and 'human rights,' the imperialists told us we enjoy.

The Ancestors did their best, and today enjoy their Peace.

We remain the world's laughing stock and lack the intelligence to even comprehend how far behind we are.


I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments expressed by this poster, but feel it is necessary to add to this the fact being the world's laughing stock on account of foolishness, and lacking the intelligence to comprehend how far behind we are is a symptom of social decapitation. This is to say our African communities have been removed of our head in the form of our best, which is why we are viewed around the planet as clueless fools, basically.

Africans are very aware of this status, and the blame is erroneously put on the leaders. But few realize that the leaders are the products of another process that's been ongoing since conquest and subjugation till this very day. They are the chaff that has filled the void left behind by this process.

But what is this process, then? It is the preemptive elimination or conscription of our best by our conquerors.

Getting rid of our best is the main way we are decapitated. This is the way it simply is, and the way it has always been for western conquerors. In the west itself, or Europe in general, i.e. right down to Russia, every conqueror has sought out and eliminated or conscripted the conquered group's best minds. This is for the simple reason that the best are the defacto head of every community. Once systematically removed, the community becomes clueless.

Simple math.

Study the history of wars of conquest in Europe and you will find abundant evidence of holistic purges. From the Romans who sought to eradicate the Druids, the current elite of the west, because they identified them as the best, the vehicle by which the European masses would find a way to kick them out, to recent wars of conquest such as Russia in Poland during the second world War when they committed the Katyn Forest Massacre, then onwards to the victorious America of WWII and Operation Paperclip, when the best minds of Germany were moved to America. And it is the same process happening with Africa's best whenever they are identified. The fact this particular process in Africa is protracted doesn't make it any different from the previous ones. The circumstances of the African situation are such that holistic purges require to be an ongoing activity for the total control of the people to be retained.

Don't make the mistake of thinking the best are always tall, elegant and well spoken. Nor are they from a special social class or highly erudite. Tupac, for instance, was rogue, but he turned out to be an example of the overt elimination of our best when his life story is studied in detail, even though his overt elimination is a rare occurrence. Most of the time our best, once spotted, are taken out covertly.

Understand that whenever it happens like it did in Tupac's case, then the oppressor was caught unawares. As they say about Tupac, they never saw him coming.

It's an ongoing process in African communities globally, and the people doing it on behalf of the western elites are our own entrenched black brothers and sisters, who have no idea this is what they are actually doing.

This is how the west safeguards its colonial empire. This is how they keep neo-colonialism alive. Above all, this is why our continent is the only place in the world where in every single country it is known and believed that it is a natural occurrence that the best exemplars of society die young, or first ... which is absurd. Death should strike randomly. It is not normal that it should seek out people who are doing good things for their community to take out.

Our best are simply being taken out at the community level and the culprits are our own people who have been programmed to do this for handouts and favors. These fiends make up our African deep state.

As I have said several times before, only when Africans realize the fact we are losing our best on a constant and continuous basis, and they don't have to turn into Sankara's, Lumumba's or Magufili's first (they don't need to be presidents first) before they are taken out, will the continent start identifying and protecting its best which, once successful, will lead to it embarking on a journey to gaining a respectable stature among the nations of the world, which will eventually and inevitably lead to Africans regaining their past glory.

I don't see any two ways about this. It's either we have our head on right or we remain a headless and foolish mass, just as those who want to exploit us want us to be.