Monday, 29 August 2022

Man's God-Hood Explained.

The symbol of the "Serpent of the Universe", as kemites called it, also known as the Ouroboros to the Ancient Greeks, is a serpemt that's biting its own tail. It symbolizes the cyclical nature of the universe and a path to the sun. It was an Ancient Kemet symbol of what they (Kemetyu) regarded as the creator of all that
exists, that Itself exists in all of the life forms it created and is still shaping at the potter's wheel. A true pervading God, thus.

The simplest thing to arrive at, once you are done believing life is the product of intellgent design, and that the intelligent entity is a humanoid that exists out there somewhere, is the fact the real god lives within you. In other words, maturity begins when you realise that you are a manifestation of God. This is the next step in the growing process of the human psyche as his accumulated understanding of the nature of the reality around him, and of existence itself increases to the point it allows him such deliberation.

Lemme explain this so that those in the back can also hear.

Arriving at the conclusion that the universe, as indeed the lifeforms in it, were created by some mythical entity that resides either in the sky or some depth in the earth requires no rational deliberation, but the realization that the creator lies within all lifeforms does. The former is seminal, while the latter is its mature product.

It cannot be disputed that the stone age man who believed that a powerful god resided in a volcano, that he may have called Yahweh, to which he sacrificed people in order to apease it, believing that this act prevented it from spewing larva all over its domain, had no rational basis for his belief. But the man who figured a god resides within him and he is its manifestation had.

I will explain this by giving an example of how the realization that god exists within each one of us is an advancement upon the former mental state, and also show how this conclusion can be arrived at, and with this prove that it is arrived at logically.

Stay with me here.

We have eyes to see, and each one of us had a day when we opened our eyes for the first time (within the womb or outside). We didn't open those eyes due to instinct alone, but because at some point in our development we had full control of the muscles that allow for eyelids to be opened, at the point in our development when the eyes were fully developed and ready to be used. But there is something else driving this simple eye opening exercise, and it is that we knew, deep within, that there is something out there to see, and that we posess the apparatus for sight.

Yes it's true that our being is at one point or another ready for sight and seeing, and requires no such fore-knowledge to function. Our eyes will work and alert us to the existence of a tangible, discernible world as long as we are ready for it in the mind, because the apparatus that allows for sight is fully developed.

But take it back to the very first being that had no eyes, that was in the process of developing eyes, and it becomes obvious that it can only work when the part within us that's aware that there is a world outside our being that is material, and can be seen, is there first before the eyes can be evolved.


You cannot have any ambition to have sight if you don't know that there exists a reality outside of yourself that can be perceived. There is no way that this process can be the product of hit and run. Either you know the real world can be seen and you go about finding ways within your means to make it possible to behold it, or you don't and you stqy blind.

Eyes work with the mind. Having the capacity to see requires an apparatus that knows to make order out of the chaos that's being perceived.

Also, you cannot develop eyes if you are not self aware, and the difference between the world out there and your entity has not been discerned. You cannot develop eyesight if you cannot both create and be conscious of elements your creation should use for sight, for instance light, its properties and its wavelengths.

You need to know the fact it travels in strait lines, and seek within you the composition of elements that can detect it (light), and create an image of what's out there that you can make sense of.

The same applies to all the other senses ... and it also works the same way with the capacity to displace yourself.

For this, you also have to have fore-knowledge that you exist independently, and that you need to move to survive. You must also have the capacity to create appendages that will make it possible to displace your being.

You have to be a creator.

Now, if this is indeed a prerequisite for the evolution of setient beings endowed with senses such as the ones we possess, then each one of us carries within us an entity capable of creating us, and more. This entity exists outside our conscious mind, of course, and is in fact its creator.

Our conscious is modelled on this higher conscious within us. It works the same way, albeit restricted in what it can do in comparison to it. Our mind is created with capacities that suffice for the guidance of the biological entity in which it's encased for its life on earth.

In this sense our mind is no more than another sense.

Think of it the same way (we have learnt) that our eyes are designed to pick up only the wavelengths of light that suffice for us to maneuver the material world, or the way our ears are restricted in the wavelengths of sound that they can hear.

Yes we can make things with our bare hands, but non of us can create our own eyes from matter wallowing within and without our bodies. Non of our minds knows the chemical and molecular composition of what's within us, let alone know how to put it all together so that it works as intended, unless of course with aids.

What we are dealing with here is a creator, a God, that resides right within each and every one of us. This creator made us what we are, and this fact is arrived at by logical deduction, provided it is clear that we evolved to be what we are, and that we are still in the process of evolving, meaning the god withn us is still at work in each and everyone of us, humans and other animals.

And it's not just animals that have to have this creator within them to exist and also possess the capacity to be able to evolve intelligently, that are in and of themselves gods, but plants have this in them as well ... and here again it is right out there to glean when we take time to examine their conscious traits by rationalizing our way through this.

Have you ever wondered how it came to be that we eat fruits and fail to digest all the seeds, or don't eat that part of the fruit? Do plants know that animals eat and what they can eat, that we don't like some tastes? They protect developing seeds in a sour envelope and change its taste as soon as the seeds are ready for sowing. We eat the ripe fruits and disseminate the seeds they contain that way. Is this all just coincidence? What about seeds that stick to fur? Do plants know animals have fur? If it's not all coincidence, if we didn't just wander into the garden of Eden and find fruits tasteful and nutritional, then plants have a conscious within that's aware of our entire composition, right down to our alimentary canal and cells, including the fact we can displace ourselves. Seed dissemination is based on knowledge that crowding isn't conducive to growth, meaning plant life is aware of what's good for its survival.

Plants know there is air. They create seeds that have designs that allow them to drift in air, ensuring that they are properly disseminated. And so on and so forth.

But it's not really the dumb plant that knows all this, of course. It's a consciousness within plants that does, and it's related to, in fact it's the same as the one that resides within each and everyone of us.

It simply manifests as a plant in the plant's case.

These facts, like the previous ones, are also arrived at by logical deduction or deliberation, and it can get convoluted to arrive at the conclusions but if you have the time and energy andbalso mental capacity, you derinitely get there.

And here, we are getting closer to the concept of a single god, but to place it out there in the clouds would be to go the way of the Stone Age guy whose fiery god Yahweh rumbled about independently at the base of a volcano. To do so would be to stunt man's conscious in it's steady ascendance on the ladder to true enlightenment. To do so would be to want man to be distanced from his source.

The source is one, and it exists within man, and how mankind raises himself to Godhood is by seeking connection with this God that dwells within him, that in fact has a biological existence within his body.

The God entity that resides in each and everyone of us is the one god within all. This is holism, which is the science I think the Nysut Bity Akhenaten was on to. Ancient Kemites called it the Serpent of the Universe, and the Greeks who got it from them, but have thus far failed to grasp the science, called it the Ouroboros.

The Ouroboros is depicted as a serpent that consumes itself because this is in fact what it has designed itself to do. This is the only way it can survive. If we were to place its parts in all living things, then we can clearly see this play out.

We eat plant life that contains the same conscious entity that's in us. Animals consume other animals. This means the God within us feeds on itself.

The explanations for why it self consumes are manifold, but here is one I consider fundamental. The god entity makes food for itself and, because it is the source of all life, it has no choice but to make food of itself for itself.

Thus, the serpent engages in the perpetual recycling of its own self.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Africa Needs To Realize Why It Should Learn How To Identify And Protect Its Best To Regain Its Lost Glory

I came across this picture on Facebook today, and the caption to the photo showing a distraught, distressed Kwame Nkrumah after he was deposed from power, made me feel hopeful about the status of our awareness of our state in Africa.

It read:

Lest We Forget!

53Years ago today, agents of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) popped Champagne in their offices in Accra to celebrate the coup they organised against Africa's leading light, Kwame Nkrumah. They were aided by local compradors.
45 years later, NATO killed Muammar Gaddafi, whose country, Libya, was, by all indices, the most prosperous of African nations.

Sadly, many of us refused to learn any lesson and we joined in celebrating the sham independence and 'human rights,' the imperialists told us we enjoy.

The Ancestors did their best, and today enjoy their Peace.

We remain the world's laughing stock and lack the intelligence to even comprehend how far behind we are.


I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments expressed by this poster, but feel it is necessary to add to this the fact being the world's laughing stock on account of foolishness, and lacking the intelligence to comprehend how far behind we are is a symptom of social decapitation. This is to say our African communities have been removed of our head in the form of our best, which is why we are viewed around the planet as clueless fools, basically.

Africans are very aware of this status, and the blame is erroneously put on the leaders. But few realize that the leaders are the products of another process that's been ongoing since conquest and subjugation till this very day. They are the chaff that has filled the void left behind by this process.

But what is this process, then? It is the preemptive elimination or conscription of our best by our conquerors.

Getting rid of our best is the main way we are decapitated. This is the way it simply is, and the way it has always been for western conquerors. In the west itself, or Europe in general, i.e. right down to Russia, every conqueror has sought out and eliminated or conscripted the conquered group's best minds. This is for the simple reason that the best are the defacto head of every community. Once systematically removed, the community becomes clueless.

Simple math.

Study the history of wars of conquest in Europe and you will find abundant evidence of holistic purges. From the Romans who sought to eradicate the Druids, the current elite of the west, because they identified them as the best, the vehicle by which the European masses would find a way to kick them out, to recent wars of conquest such as Russia in Poland during the second world War when they committed the Katyn Forest Massacre, then onwards to the victorious America of WWII and Operation Paperclip, when the best minds of Germany were moved to America. And it is the same process happening with Africa's best whenever they are identified. The fact this particular process in Africa is protracted doesn't make it any different from the previous ones. The circumstances of the African situation are such that holistic purges require to be an ongoing activity for the total control of the people to be retained.

Don't make the mistake of thinking the best are always tall, elegant and well spoken. Nor are they from a special social class or highly erudite. Tupac, for instance, was rogue, but he turned out to be an example of the overt elimination of our best when his life story is studied in detail, even though his overt elimination is a rare occurrence. Most of the time our best, once spotted, are taken out covertly.

Understand that whenever it happens like it did in Tupac's case, then the oppressor was caught unawares. As they say about Tupac, they never saw him coming.

It's an ongoing process in African communities globally, and the people doing it on behalf of the western elites are our own entrenched black brothers and sisters, who have no idea this is what they are actually doing.

This is how the west safeguards its colonial empire. This is how they keep neo-colonialism alive. Above all, this is why our continent is the only place in the world where in every single country it is known and believed that it is a natural occurrence that the best exemplars of society die young, or first ... which is absurd. Death should strike randomly. It is not normal that it should seek out people who are doing good things for their community to take out.

Our best are simply being taken out at the community level and the culprits are our own people who have been programmed to do this for handouts and favors. These fiends make up our African deep state.

As I have said several times before, only when Africans realize the fact we are losing our best on a constant and continuous basis, and they don't have to turn into Sankara's, Lumumba's or Magufili's first (they don't need to be presidents first) before they are taken out, will the continent start identifying and protecting its best which, once successful, will lead to it embarking on a journey to gaining a respectable stature among the nations of the world, which will eventually and inevitably lead to Africans regaining their past glory.

I don't see any two ways about this. It's either we have our head on right or we remain a headless and foolish mass, just as those who want to exploit us want us to be.

Thursday, 13 January 2022

The Double "Coincidence" of Bowel Obstructions Suffered on 2 Days that are Significant in 2 Abrahamic Religionss

I suffered a complete bowel obstruction on the "19th of October 2021". I have put the date this event occurred in quotes to draw your attention to it because it isn't just any ordinary day. 

This date also happens to be prophet Muhammad's birthday for 2021. 

I would have taken it as coincidence and not made more of it had there not been a close call of the same thing, this time on the birthday of non other than Jesus Christ himself. Now, that's like lightning striking the same spot twice. 

I went to bed late on Christmas eve, and woke up shortly after midnight to the realization that I was being gassed. The air was thick with an abrasive gas that was hurting my lungs. My eyes started to get teary as soon as I had opened them. My ears, nose and the back of my neck were all already aching at this point. 

I got up and immediately opened the window wide, walked out the door and left it wide open too. I had been struggling to breathe inside the room but felt some relief as I walked out into the  fresh air, and contemplated staying out there sitting under a tree till dawn, but I was weak on my legs. I felt like I desperately needed to lie down. It wouldn't be safe to sleep out there, and there was the risk that I would nod off even if I tried not to. 

I tried to stay outside for as long as I could, knowing the more fresh air I got into my lungs the better for me. 

I got back inside after about an hour, and started airing the home. I removed my sheets and blankets and aired them all thoroughly. I turned the fan on and pointed it at a partially open window so it could keep sucking the air out of the room and into the great outdoors. This did two things: it made it impossible to fill the room with a gas, and since the window faced the road, anybody wanting to gas me again would think twice about the gasses spilling out into the neighborhood on that side because it can get very busy. 

That's evidence. 

By that point I had urinated about ten times, and the sphincter was getting weak. I felt the same symptoms coming on that I had when I suffered the first obstruction two months ago, and realised with this that the first episode had also been caused by gassing. I obviously slept through it the first time. 

Only this explained the hoarse voice I had, the painful ears and loss of hearing in the aftermath of the obstruction. It took about 3 days for my voice to get back to normal, and about a month for my hearing to return to normal or thereabouts. 

It would seem that once the poison in the gas is absorbed into the body, it causes the bowels to stop working, which leads to food compaction and a flow stoppage. 

This is the obstruction that I had suffered on the 19th of October 2021, that I felt starting to happen in earnest as I pranced about my abode that Christmas morning with a lingering respiratory distress. 

I braced for the worst, grabbed my gas mask and sat there waiting for dawn to come, but soon fell asleep. I was well when I woke up but noticed that, as was the case the first time this happened, I had lost a significant amount of weight overnight. 

About two weeks later on the 5th of January a similar sequence of events occurred in the early morning hours. I woke up at around 4 am and felt unable to breathe. I jumped out of bed in a panic and went outside. It was still dark. I paced about trying to breathe but the respiratory distress didn't abate. I realized that my breathing got better the further away from the house I went, and worsened when I returned. 

I knew then that the home had been contaminated and I wouldn't be able to rest inside whatever I did to clear the poisons. It was in fact too risky sticking around the place in the state I was in, so I packed a few belongings into a backpack and started for town as soon as the sun started rising.. I had to find a safe place to spend the day and especially the night, somewhere I could breathe properly and not be in danger of getting gassed again.  

Tellingly, the respiratory distress I was having in and around the home waned as soon as I got away from the premises. I started to breathe normally again by the time I got on the bus out of the village, and I knew that I had made the right decision. 

Somebody out there is clearly trying to have me murdered, and they are now using the cover of heavy rains at night to send their operatives into the area to gas me. What we are dealing with here isn't Murder by Numbers, the method by which the kabalists send the message that a death isn't natural but their doing, but the same thing in that the demise comes dressed as an unlikely natural event or coincidence, and it's association with a day that's important in an Abrahamic religion points out directly who is behind the murder. Abrahamic religions and western kabalistic secret societies like freemasonry are joined at the hip, after all.

I should add on to this the fact the Covert elimination of our best is what is happening here. I have been through enough to be convinced that I have been selected for elimination  because I am considered to be one by the western elites. This western program whereby Africans are selectiveky eliminated is what is referred to as holistic culling. This is when select members of a whole (a group/race) are eliminated according to talent category so that their socio-economic contribution to the whole is curtailed. 

The equivalent of the beheading of a race is achieved when the people being systematically eliminated are the very best, given there is in every group a fixed distribution of talents. 

This program is, according to my reckoning, the remaining reality that Africans have to become consciously aware of to understand just why the continent is failing. What they are doing to me isn't just happening to me alone and this isn't the first nor last time that this is happening. The west has been conducting holistic culls on Africans since the inception of Colonialism, and is right now as we speak monitoring our communities, on a continuous basis, for people they feel have the potential to jeopardize their plans for the continent. In the end, it's not just about our resources but about us the African or black people. The west is merely continuing in the tradition of the ancient Greeks and Romans who also turned blacks into a "species" they had to hunt, steal from, brutalize, and control because they believed that this is the only way their survival prospects could be advanced. This is in fact the mindset that characterizes white supremacy today. The Western world is led by its supremacists after all. 

Now, the fellows they are eliminating from our midst don't have to be powerful in society to come under their murderous radar. Look at me if you doubt what I am saying. I don't own anything substantial by any standards, nor do I command an army of men. Yet the west is constantly on my case to the point my demise, that they are very careful to have appear as death by natural causes, is necessary in their eyes. They have to eliminate us preemptively because once we come into our element then Martyrs are created. Our Lumumba's, Sankara's, Malcolm X's, Biko's, Magufuli's, etc., are examples of our best who slipped through all the snares and traps they have set in our communities to prevent our rise. 

Africa will only go free when it awakens to this reality because only then will it become plain and clear why our leadership ranks are filled with idiots and cowards. Only when we realize that we are a beheaded people, and this is why we wander the planet as a mindless, spineless folk, will we know what needs to be done to regain our original whole and natural stature.