Henry Kissinger
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has said that he thinks the US needs a new understanding with China to ensure world stability. According to him, the United States will have to reach an understanding with China on a new global order or the world will risk conflicts.
"If we don't get to that point and if we don't get to an understanding with China on that point, then we will be in a pre-World War One-type situation in Europe, in which there are perennial conflicts that get solved on an immediate basis but one of them gets out of control at some point," he said at a recent event via Zoom hosted by the London-based think tank Chatham House.
"It is infinitely more dangerous now than it was then," Kissinger said.
"A conflict between countries possessing high technology with weapons that can target themselves and that can start the conflict by themselves without some agreement of some kind of restraint cannot end well," the former U.S. diplomat said. "And that's an understatement," he added.
The questions that come to mind here include why advancement is causing conflict to come into the equation today, whereas open military aggression was the reason the world was unstable at the time Kissinger has in mind? The Chinese are doing nothing but advancing. Why should mere rapid advancement lead to an insecure world? Advancement is good for the species after all. Why is it such a threat to the west? Is it because it is happening outside the western sphere of influence? Is the west set up to fight human progress? Why is the west incapable of outcompeting the Chinese with its own brand of advancement?
Chart showing the global export market share of the top five exporters since 1962. Source: UN ComTrade and IMF staff calculations.
The issue of why the Chinese have become such a big threat to the west is tied to the issue of why they have outperformed everybody on planet earth in overal creativity and productivity, and by a large margin at that.
While this fact itself has rattled many a head, precisely because any conceivable genetic advantage they would inherently have with the capacity to confer them an advantage over other "races" would hardly make for this huge difference in creative and intellectual output, few in the west have been willing to actually point out the simple cause, and for good reason too.
There is an estimable pace at which genetic factors can enable any group to advance faster than other groups in specific endeavors or activities, but the reality of the current Chinese rapid advancement situation is they have surpassed any estimate that can be made, to the point where their creativity and productivity can be considered of a different species from that of ordinary man.
But they are as human as we all are.
The explanation of why the Chinese are as creative and productive as they are in the fields of human endeavor they currently dominate is actually one that many people wouldn't easily entertain, and only because we are prevented from seeing this simple truth for what it is by the loudest voice in the room.
The Chinese are only able to be as creative and productive as they have become because they are the only country that never got completely colonized by the west. This means that they didn't get treated to the western brand of colonization that routinely obliterates if not minimizes the creative potential of any group they conquer for the sole purpose of making them controllable. The west applied this method to themselves, then later to almost everybody else except the Chinese and a few other nationalities that they couldn't completely subdue, and it is precisely these countries or people who are doing better than the west and the rest today.
This cannot be coincidence.
On top of that, the Chinese have forged a society that is the least oppressive and repressive on earth.
Now, this last statement will no doubt sound untrue to many, but only because most people only view China through the lenses of western mainstream media propaganda, and according to them, the Chinese are stealing intellectual property from the west and putting it to better uses than the west, they are taking resources from poor countries, forcing loans on them that they cannot repay, brutally oppressing religious minorities, taking over neighboring nations' waters, etc.
On top of this they eat rats, bats, snakes, lizards, and God knows what else.
Furthermore, according to this propaganda, in order to make their country as prosperous as it has become, the totalitarian government has its own people living in virtual slavery and is milking them for all they are worth, in much the same way America milked enslaved Africans during the Era of slavery in that country.
It is possible to see how this can work, but only in terms of productivity, but even with this item it only applies to an extent, but how China is doing this to excel in creativity as well isn't being explained.
It's not coincidence that no western reports about Chinese success focus on a fact known about human creativity that appears to suggest that the Chinese are probably not as oppressive as they are made out to be, and this is the fact that creativity, even productivity, is at its zenith when intellectuals are not coerced about, forced to conform or repressed in any way.
The thing to understand about the propaganda on the Chinese is it has the singular ulterior motive of doing to China what wasn't done to it when the west was out grabbing territory and exterminating people Globally. When the west does to China what it did to the third world, then its global hegemony will be secure.
The fact of the totalitarian situation is the Chinese are constantly under attack and forced into a position where they often have to make choices that do not speak very well about their attitude to freedoms. If you understand their fears in this war against them, then it will become clear why they use the strong arm approach on matters they deem to be in their best national (racial) interests.
They want to survive this, just as any sensible group would.
But in the end, all of these repressive and oppressive behaviors being reported about the Chinese are irrelevant to the assessment of how oppressive and repressive a government really is compared to others. Creativity in any human group gets stunted when there is repression and oppression. This is the true litmus test of how oppressive a system is. This is because the people who are the most creative are affected the most by repressive and oppressive measures. It is no accident in history that leaders among freedom fighters comprised highly educated or achieved individuals.
Intellectuals will usually be the first to become aware of the oppressive and repressive status they live under, because of their advanced critical thinking capabilities. You cannot pass subtle oppression by a critical minded man or woman. Plus it is very impossible to express high creativity and productivity when under an oppressive/repressive regime, unless one has only evolved or developed their intellectual faculties without the capacity to apply this intelligence to everyday matters, in which case we are talking about what are called nerds in thick glasses with a disparity between their emotional and intellectual development. These types wouldn't know whether they live in a dictatorship or not.
In order to gain a clear understanding of the effect that oppression and repression has on the intelligentsia of a society and its evolution, we would need to look at the development of the west from medieval times when oppression wasn't so subtle, to the present when it is subtle, when the very west can stand bold faced and declare to the world that only it has authority on issues bordering on ethics. Only the west has the final say on who is doing wrong or right.
The truth about the matter is the western world would have been far more creative than it currently is had it not actively started oppressing and repressing its own people, and insisting on conformism for all, as far back as the Greco-Roman Era, and probably long before this era.
As soon as you start systematically oppressing and repressing people, the first opposition will be from their intellectuals. This also means that they will be among the first casualties, and if the oppression persists, then they become the perpetual enemy of the rulers. It has actually been said by many European thinkers that the west is a culture at war with its own intellectuals, and this isn't empty talk either.
The purges in medieval Europe, the burnings at the stake, the witch drownings, the hangings/guillotining of heretics, these all involved the culling of the best of the west. The western elite actually shot their own societies in the foot, so to speak, in the medieval ages already, and only the inertia from connections, agreements, understandings, and wealth made from the brutal conquest and subjugation of the entire planet keeps the western world ahead of the rest, otherwise the block would not have what it takes to stay afloat and on top.
The western system of oppression developed from these medieval mentalities to the refined and polished status it is today but nothing much has changed underneath. They conquered and subjugated the rest of the world using this mentality, and are responsible for the fact third world countries are packed with chaff for brains. This is to say there are very few intellectuals in all former colonies of western countries precisely because the west almost cleared them of their best in operations known as holistic purges.
This culling was done for the simple reason smart individuals were seen as rebellion or revolt risks, just like intelligent slaves were killed off because they were seen as escape and slave uprising risks.
Same system at work in every region and era.
Graph showing the growth of the total expressway length in China since 1995 in a 1000th of a kilometer.
Gradually, over time, local and foreign groups that endure this method of subjugation start losing a gene ... This is how you get a west that has failed to compete with China despite the fact they were the ones who initiated and powered this civilization. The Chinese, who are pretty much Johnny come latelies, have done more in three decades than the west did in a century. Did you know that they have poured more concrete than the whole west did since the industrial revolution?
This level of productivity and creativity is impossible if you are repressing your labor force and demanding conformism from them. Conformism entails that everybody think and behave the same way, and an environment like this isn't conducive to intellectual development and expression.
You need a lot of highly creative and productive people to be able to make possible what the Chinese have achieved thus far, and Conformism, oppression and repression are your worst enemies under the circumstances.
Chairman Mao
What we should not overlook is the fact the Chinese also have Mao's cultural revolution to thank for the plethora of creative minds that they have. The man left nothing to chance. He deliberately set in motion a pairing system where intelligent people bred with each other. This is what the rest of the world, from Europe to Africa to South America, shall desperately need to do if we want to offset what the western elite did to us, in order to have that share of people who can make us as creative and productive as the Chinese are today.
But the oppressive nature of the west continues full speed into the present where it has inevitably come to a point where they have in place a massive and rapidly expanding global targeting program designed specifically to help them detect and preemptively get rid of perceived threats to their order, who are mostly non conformists, and especially intellectuals, because these are enemies in the dominant culture.
This makes following Mao's example a tall order to fill for most countries, unless we can get rid of the western elite, or at least expose the methods they use to control the masses in a way that makes them useless for the purpose.
Organized religion, for instance, is very important for the western elite, especially monotheistic religion, because they are set on building societies of conformists, and single diety religions are very helpful in this quest.
And here you would wonder whether the leadership of the west doesn't realize what they are doing. Could they be so dumb that they cannot see that they are setting their "tribe" up for the fall?
The western elite do realize that their system works against "real progress", but then the whole system is set up to operate this way. The western thinktank, who are the masons, have the task of coming up with ways of raising creativity or productivity but because this is done within the context of a culture that oppresses and represses, it only works when there is no real competition.
For example, the conditions of slavery are not very conducive to productivity compared to hard work by free people who reap the full benefits of their labor. Applying methods that raise productivity on the plantation such as a different kind of carrot and stick approach will increase yields but then might cause the enslaved to expire faster, which increases the costs of production. Obviously, a system of slavery is only profitable if it doesn't have competition, and this is precisely why slavery came to a sudden end in the west.
There developed a glitch in the matrix that wouldn't have happened if everybody in the world had been made to follow suit.
Making everybody follow suit has been the MO of the west for millenia, and is part and parcel of how the system gains an advantage in competition with others.
As I mentioned before, massive amounts are being invested into ensuring the infrastructure that maintains this system of oppression and repression is not just maintained, but improved and expanded upon. There is a massive resource commitment to the status quo as things stand. As such, no one within the ranks of the ruling elite would contemplate changing this system. They wouldn't even know where to begin, if they have the authority in the first place.
Hence, it should be taken for granted that the west cannot change. The western system of the perpetual degeneration of things is a permanent mode of social provisioning for the west that can work, but only if the entire world is also under western elite control and is being made to follow suit. This is why China represents a glitch to this system. This is why the west is hell bent on destroying China or, if this fails, which it looks set to, then the west has no other recourse than to do as the zionist Henry Kissinger suggests.
Kissinger thinks the US (the west) needs a new understanding with China on a new global order or the world will risk conflicts. Given China isn't flexing its military muscle at the moment, the west only wants to make pacts and agreements with the Chinese on the way forward in global trade. The Chinese are being asked to be less enterprising for the sake of the slower west.
I know that the Chinese understand the western system very well and this suggestion they will not accept. It would in fact be suicidal for them to do as Kissinger implores. Their only option right now and for the foreseeable future is improving their military might as they continue doing humankind proud. In their success is proof that western influence is the worst thing that can happen to anybody on earth.